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Seriously, how in DENIAL is everyone on these forums?


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felt the same until I started using uExterior Cell Buffer=24 ( defaults at 36 ) in the Skyrim INI. For years i thought the mods or the scripts or the engine were faulty. I no longer crash and have developed a different view of the game as a result.



I haven't even had to do that, personally. I'm 100% stable, haven't had a crash in weeks since I reverted to a vanilla install with the HD DLC and started using only the mods I really, really want.

I'm having a much more enjoyable time with a stable, lightly modded Skyrim (running on vanilla ultra with 4x SSAA) than I did with a heavily modded and often buggy/crashy/stuttery Skyrim.

Edited by Rennn
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Most of the times when newbies post on this forum they have absolutely no idea what theyre doing ??.


Please help me my game is broken : heres my 250 long list of mods what is wrong ??? Well thats a very good question there sonny boy.


But even with countless of these posts people on this forum are still very helpful and trying their best to help :thumbsup:


Glad that trolling is so limited here on the nexus (Try gamefaqs if you want trolling).

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Denial? Look I can run vanilla skyrim for 8 hours straight without single CTD. I have a bunch of scripts and stress test to test stability as well (thigns liek spawning selection of mobs , flying ,etc) . so vanilla skyrim is stable - there is no issues with that


Now as I start adding mods stability might decrease . - there are many way to cause CTD and main reason with just texture/model mods is running out VRAM/RAM. As long as you never hit the limits skyrim is relatively stable. There are content heavy mods with many bugs (like bad navmeshes)


Then there are script heavy mods- they are typically quite harmless on their own if they dont have bugs, but if they do they can cause crash. Skyrim as mod engine is not as stable as skyrim as vanilla game that is true, but with proper mod selection it is quite stable and quite playable. I have over 200 mods installed right now and there are ctds per 1-2 hours of open world play (main reason my vram is low and I decided to not sacrifice texture quality for less CTDs), there is not ctds in building or dungeons.


But fact is with all imperfection with mods skyrim is only game which supports such extended modding, you can complain all day but there is no alternatives (beside other bethesda games).

Edited by Dark_MadMax
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But fact is with all imperfection with mods skyrim is only game which supports such extended modding, you can complain all day but there is no alternatives (beside other bethesda games).


I agree with your other points, but there are other games as moddable as Skyrim. None of them have quite as large of communities, but Neverwinter Nights 2 and Half Life are extremely moddable.

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What's crazy to me is people loading hundreds of mods and "tweaking" their machines and game setups without knowing what they are doing, then complaining when the game crashes and blaming it on Skyrim. Most of the time... yes, I said most of the time, a simple look in the mirror will reveal the main culprit of unstable game play.


Most of the people you see complaining put up posts, over and over and over, like this:


HEEEELLLLPPPP!!!! My game crashes every 30 seconds.

I have:

  1. .

I've tried everything and nothing works.


They're lucky to get a response at all.The good people on this forum try to help, then, instead of a, "Didn't work, thanks for trying to help me", get a "You are insane" reply.


We just know the user causes most problems, and start at that point. No, vanilla Skyrim does not crash and freeze constantly. Skyrim had big problems early on, but is now very stable. My heavily modded Skyrim is certainly more stable than (three popular names removed to prevent a flame war) with no mods at all. I've had 2 CTD's, one each on two different computers, in the last several months. My sister (a Skyrim latecomer) doesn't remember her GOTY install ever crashing. I build machines for other people. Those who ask before doing, then do things correctly, don't have issues. Those who simply D/L and install every mod they think is cool crash all the time.


My personal experience on Skyrim crash causes:


1. Improperly installed mods. (Read the install directions. I know its difficult, but give it a shot. And NOW is the time to ask, not later)

2. Incompatible mods. (Every mod on Nexus will NOT work with every other mod. Learn why not if you're going to mod your game.)

3. Bad ini tweaks. (Its "impressive", but unreliable, to run at 138 FPS. Use vsync. Don't change ugrids. etc, etc, etc.)

4. OC problems. (hardware has intrinsic error rates, OCing will demonstrate that. Don't push it, back off a couple steps from max.)

5. Graphics driver tweaks. (OpenGL and DirectX10/11 tweaks for a DirectX9 game)

EDIT: 5.5 OP exploits. (The game is designed for a certain range of values, exceed those at your own peril)

6. System settings issues. (Audio on older systems, for instance)

7. BIOS tweaks (A guy I met [in WoW | on the hackerz board | at school | at the office | somewhere, I forget] said to ... crash and burn.)

8. Registry "tweaks" for game performance (There aren't any. Background processes are one thing, system hacks, quite another.)


Millions of people run/have run Skyrim without any hassles at all. There's insanity here alright, its just on the side opposite to what you state.

Edited by Lord Garon
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But fact is with all imperfection with mods skyrim is only game which supports such extended modding, you can complain all day but there is no alternatives (beside other bethesda games).


I agree with your other points, but there are other games as moddable as Skyrim. None of them have quite as large of communities, but Neverwinter Nights 2 and Half Life are extremely moddable.


Ill give you NWN (not sure about NWN2) - it had very good mod support (and large community as well) . But thing is it is an isometric RPG with focus on story driven gameplay . Its not explorable sandbox like bethesda games


As of HL2 (and the other FPS ilk like Unreal,Crysis etc) - those are FPS centric engines. Which is very barebones as far as actual " game" - sure you could make skyrim on HL2 engine (or crysis) - it just will be enormous undertaking comparable to the making of original skyrim itself


Bethesda games provide a sandbox modding platform - complete with scripting and AI. Sure is not perfect , but it is very powerful given how much there is . Its one of a kind modding sandbox , the other sandboxes are do everything from scratch (like gary's mod or minecraft)

Edited by Dark_MadMax
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Okay, here's a simple set of statements, since there are so many whiners.


YES, the game isn't perfect. No software is. Get that through your thick skulls first.


YES, there are bugs after the patches. Also called Pesticide Paradox (look it up). There's only so much that can be "Fixed".


NO, there is no "silver bullet" to fix all problems. Every problem on every system has it's own unique solution. Don't like it, well BOU-HOU. Deal with it. Patience and perseverance are virtues.


YES, there are some tried and tested techniques that work. That's why they're called "Tried and tested". That DOES NOT guarantee a fix (see statement above). Deal with it.


Don't like it, uninstall Skyrim and go and play Call of Duty or some other game where you don't have to use your brain. U MAD, WHINERS?

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Post counts do not reflect technical knowledge......


There are many other games that have Mods..


Just because they are new does not make them a Moron.


Our modding communities(Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim combined) aren't the same as other modding communities for other games.

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I've kinda kept my TES games to the mods I most want. I use tools to keep the mod order correct. If a mod is funky, I choose to do without it. Sometimes it's about making decisions between two mods - which one of these two do I like better with this character? - when there are conflicts. I never used 250 mods together in Oblivion and played that for ages. It takes time to go through them, load ONE, make sure it works properly, then pick another. Don't load 10 at once and expect them to work. Stuff like that. Careful and picky will allow you to have a smoother running, enjoyable game. If you just have to try out more and maybe conflicting mods, then make a new character, start fresh, and load only the new mods you need for that one.


My irk is: people always blame Bethesda and say the game is broken, whatever. ALL games across the board have their particular issues. You hear the same in all forums across all games. "You know Bethesda (or insert any other gaming company here) (insert complaint here)" *insert sarcastic tone here* This is an amazing game and wow we can get amazing mods working in it, together, by different authors, most of the time. It amazes me why some folks expect any game to work flawlessly all the time. That's an unrealistic expectation and you'll just find yourself mad and venting on the forums about vague generalizations that folks can't fix.


(ha! scrolling right up I see that WolfPalatine said what I just said but in different words).

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I somewhat agree with OP, after reinstalling Skyrim after a 2 month break (save descended into chaos) I was very careful about what mods I installed, I've only used 2k textures, limited the FPS to 40, left out a load of scripted mods (Enhanced Blood Textures, Wet & Cold, SkyTEST, Real Wildlife, Player Headtracking, Footprints, BFS Effects) and experienced a CTD before even making it out of Helgen Keep :confused:

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