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Unable to download a mod


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Hi everyone! Whenever I try to download Grand Ayleid Home (nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/8636) I get this error message:



"code": "bad_request",

"message": "Bad character in percent-encoded string: 44 (0x2C)",

"status": 400



I already tried different browsers on different devices, and nothing worked; I also contacted the author but I got no answer: maybe he stopped supporting the mod since it is so old.


Does anybody have any idea? Thanks in advance.

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I can confirm that. Seems the downloader doesn't like the "," character in a filename (number 44 is an ASCII code for it) for some reason. This also makes you can't even preview this file - you get "Content could not be loaded at this time", at least in my Opera browser. I think it's some Nexus's problem, so the best could be to contact staff and ask for renaming it or try to download it with Vortex or another manager.

Edited by RomanR
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Very odd. It has 3k DL's so how did everyone else manage to DL it? I bet it is Chrome, as all our browsers are Chrome based now, no matter if you use Opera, Edge or Google Chrome... Try Firefox to see if it can handle it better really. Mozilla use their own way of handling the web.

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Very odd. It has 3k DL's so how did everyone else manage to DL it? I bet it is Chrome, as all our browsers are Chrome based now, no matter if you use Opera, Edge or Google Chrome... Try Firefox to see if it can handle it better really. Mozilla use their own way of handling the web.


This mod is ancient, so no wonder it has some downloads. But these pages also changed much as time goes, so blaming browser entirely is uncertain. I'm suprised a little, because I can think of more problematic characters (with ASCII under 32 or above 128). However there are comments also complaining about download refusal on mod's page, so she is not the only one.

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