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[Mod Request] Throwing Weapons (Tomahawk, throwing knives etc) stay on


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Hey Nexus


Just a simple mod, if I had any extensive knowledge of the GECK i'd do it myself cause i'm sure there'll just be a tick box for it or something along the lines. Is there anyway to make throwing weapons stay for longer, they decay and just vanish 4 seconds after throwing them, is there any way to make them stay for say, a minute?


I noticed this when using something for target practice, i'd walked up to see where I hit the target with my tomahawk and it vanished, it'd make for a nice little feature.


Thanks in advance! :D

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Well crap :sad: I checked the weapon and projectile forms and there wasn't anything on them for that setting. I'm betting they are in the game settings (Gameplay->game settings). I looked through a few hundred of the settings but diddn't see anything except fArrowAgeMax (and that didn't do anything). But it may be in there, I only looked through 10 or 155 of the game settings.
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You've given me a place to start looking, I hadn't actually thought to look in any of the game settings, I always thought it would just be a simple GECK option!

Yeah me too. The geck never misses an opportunity to kick ya square in the head :sad:


I'll take a further look, but i've not got my hopes up, sometimes things are just impossible to do.

It might be the case. One thing that can be done to make it persistent is to make it a lobbing projectile instead of a missle projectile. But then it won't stick to the wall, just fall down....not great for target practice.

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