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By the way, I do not know if you did remember Qarl? Who made this among so many cool things? And also the harvest mods. He made a cool harvest script around 2005 for Morrowind and later also for Oblivion, making objects to rotate in all axes at the same time and that looked so cool. I asked him if I could use the script and some of his objects he made and ditched, so I made some rotating lights stuff for Morrowind that year that is still at the Morrowind Archive somewhere.


So the script added to the objects, in game mode looked like this if I recall right:

Scn RotatingSCR

Float angle

Begin GameMode

	Set Angle to Angle + 0.1

	If ( Angle > 360 )
		Set Angle to 0

	Setangle x Angle
	SetAngle y Angle
	SetAngle z Angle


Combine that with changing the position or let a ghost bump it around or both, or all 3, might look very cool for a chair or any object controlled by a poltergeist. :D It might be so that you need to increase the static 0.1 some, maybe to 0.3, well test it. Letting an object to rotate like that in itself, in the right environment, like in a ghost quest will have a very nice spooky effect for sure. I could sit and stare at those rotating lights for some time in game for sure. I made them into drop-able objects, so I could add them at dark places, to light up some and also look cool.

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By the way, I do not know if you did remember Qarl? Who made this among so many cool things? And also the harvest mods. He made a cool harvest script around 2005 for Morrowind and later also for Oblivion, making objects to rotate in all axes at the same time and that looked so cool. I asked him if I could use the script and some of his objects he made and ditched, so I made some rotating lights stuff for Morrowind that year that is still at the Morrowind Archive somewhere.


So the script added to the objects, in game mode looked like this if I recall right:

Scn RotatingSCR

Float angle

Begin GameMode

	Set Angle to Angle + 0.1

	If ( Angle > 360 )
		Set Angle to 0

	Setangle x Angle
	SetAngle y Angle
	SetAngle z Angle


Combine that with changing the position or let a ghost bump it around or both, or all 3, might look very cool for a chair or any object controlled by a poltergeist. :D It might be so that you need to increase the static 0.1 some, maybe to 0.3, well test it. Letting an object to rotate like that in itself, in the right environment, like in a ghost quest will have a very nice spooky effect for sure. I could sit and stare at those rotating lights for some time in game for sure. I made them into drop-able objects, so I could add them at dark places, to light up some and also look cool.

Thanks for the reply but have you used any of my mods such as Indornia (player flyable spaceship) or Harodich (self driving submarine) or looked at their code?

Indornia has an Inventory stone where it's code let's you skip through all quests and go straight to the ship.


My problem is not writing code but teaching it which is what I was trying to say in my post.


Another member here had a hard go at me for not sharing my knowledge but refuses to answer my replies - I find that lame but motivating to make sure nobody else has that problem.


At this stage I've created exercises on Oblivion Script and OBSE variables ready for the LERP tutorials. The variable exercises are optional but useful for understanding the application of array_var arrays in the animations.


Getting on with the LERP tutorials I want to impart the difference from trigonometry.

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Well I do have tested both a spaceship and a Submarine ship, maybe they where in the same mod :DI did not figured out in the end how to go to space, but everything looked great and it was fun until I failed and moved on. :D Well it does not matter now as I am busy full time with my own stuff right now. :D


Yes I do recall you help others when you pop up here at the forum :D


I can agree that some pops up, ask for stuff, and they do not like the answers they are given, or not saying thanks nor nothing. Maybe it is so they read your answer, did what you suggested and moved on?


What I do like less, is the request forum, and it seems standard that Nexus creates. Players get to it, request something, and we tell them how to make it them selves and no one have liked that answer so far. Finding a modder that just sit and roles their thumbs, waiting for requests popping down in their laps are very rare. We stop to mod, when we get tired of it I guess, either tired of making stuff or tired of the game and that happens in periods. I did quit 2008, moved on, tried CK 2012, never opened it again until 2 weeks ago and CS since 2020 again, after i fixed some bugs in my big Morrowind mod, released the first time 2006 and I wanted to make a house for my companions and ended up with legacy of the Champion for Oblivion, which will take 2-10 more years to complete, if I ever complete it that is.


If I look at myself and how I make stuff today, I think I am much more patient and also more goal driven, more relaxed then I was 2004-2008, but I did had a job back then, which I do not have any longer, so no wonder I can focus much more now really. Trying to make sure I really reach the goals I set up, without becoming tired of it. It is easy to get ideas, I guess. At least for me it is, and now really make them real.


What we do have to keep in mind is that we all are very different, so not every player popping up here do that to be social nor grateful for the aid they get, but it does not matter. If we do solve someones problems, we did something grate anyway, so I do not really care if I get a Thank You Pekka or not really :D I worked with PC support between 1999-2010, and with Networks 2010-2019 and it was very rare we got any pats in our backs when we solved others issues, and one reason might be, the issues is in many cases created by our own technicians in the first place. :D What our clients demand, is that everything should just work and not only that, it SHALL work perfect :D So at some points I even got yelled at when i was doing all I could to aid some. Not all act like that but a majority was not grateful. People are like that for some odd reasons. I do not get it really but I am very social, I do like to talk to everyone I meet, but so few feels the same. I do not understand them really.


When i am out with my dog(s) meeting other dog owners, a majority of them glare at me like I am a scoundrel. :D All we want, me and my Golden is to meet other dogs, sniff them in their behinds, and move on, Well I do not do that, well not often, but my dog likes it, it seems. :D My 10 cent of rantings today, as I am a bit tired of how bad many acts. Dog owners should be social, as otherwise, why do they get a dog in the first place?


What does this to have to do with the gamers of Oblivion? A lot really. We are all humans, no matter what or where they are, you do meet odd arses time to time, that is how bad things really are... :wink: I did expect my clients or our clients rather to act different when they got pro aid honestly, when I was new educated "PC pro" 1998...


Well I stop ranting now. No way i add more negative energy to this as that will not solve others behaviors, nothing ever will :D Not even a hard fist right in their faces, that will not make them act any different, I guess. :D Maybe it just makes it more worse, I guess? :D More spanking maybe? That will sheer them up :D


If we look at the MMORPG scene, if you ever tried it, you met so many arses in the same place, you will never meet anywhere else :D Even in ESO. WoW was extremely bad and UO had many odd players really. It is what it is... Well, time for me to pack up here and go to my flat and play Skyrim until Sunday, then it is a oblivion week after that :D


I will try to make a simple Dynamic Summon mod in CK tonight. I start to figure out slowly how Skyrim really works and I cannot say I like it, but I need a summon spell, that can summon anything. So an array at aquest, some spells, well 2 at least, some menus and we do some magic and summon whatever we want, well or rather need. Maybe someone already made such mod? it does not differ a lot from Mark and recall mods really... The principe is the same.


By the way, I do hope I did not high jacked your thread now, as it got me going about behavior :D I do get side tracked so easy... I do think it is good as being a bit chaotic, aids in creating new stuff, getting new ideas, thinking the unthinkable. Go beyond the limits. It is so damn fun :D

Edited by Pellape
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An extensive reply Pellape that I did read at length and can relate to a lot of what you are saying.


Two things that I had to learn about myself a long time ago are not to be pedantic or an impatient hot head. Two things that I constantly have to pull myself up on before making an ass of myself and being unfair to others.

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That is so true. I am vice verse though but also very lazy, which can make me some impatient, but I am never impatient when it comes to support, well, at some points the clients can be a real pain in the butt. But still, they do have a problem we need to solve. :smile:


I am Chaotic, Lazy, but I am also a Perfectionist. That does not mean I am pedantic, not att all, as that is the none equivalent to Chaos, well the opposite. Chaos is good when trying to think out of the box. Pedants cannot do that mostly. I can be wrong but there is also a lot in between. :D I really need to take a course in Psychology... :wink: I might do the next autumn as I will start study again 22nd August.


I could make the stuff too that some requests, but I do have a rule, that I followed so far: Will I use the mod myself? Does it appeal to me? If it does, I can make it. Otherwise I will offer to make pedagogic step by step instructions. The goal is really to spread modding, making it easier for others to start with but they do not think they can pull it off or they are just a lazy bunch, more lazy than I will ever be :D It is what it is. I still do not understand why they do not even wanna try to make anything them selves?


The trade mod WIP I made is from a request, that also appeals to me. I love the idea and that is what I am focusing at right now.


Honestly, I never felt so constructive since I bought my first Computer 1987, but making real carpentry or making real stuff, can give the same satisfaction and that is what it is all about, feel that we did something, that we could create stuff and pat out self on the back when we where done. Damn I made this. Yes, I can!!!! :D Made what does not matter at all really, as long it gives that satisfaction. What really satisfy the lazy players visiting the request forums? if I where them, needing that stuff they requested so bad, I sure made sure to make it myself. No doubt.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There are 2 main scripts, 'looping' and 'travel once', these do not change - each go on the animation object as required.
Each of these need to be Started externally, hence the use of Starter objects and scripts

The script on the figure 8 animation is the same as the other 2 looping animations. It's Starter is...

scn TrigLoopPointsEg01StarterScript

Begin OnTrigger

    if ActiLoopPointsEg01Ref.iInitialized == 0

        PlaySound leAMBChimesHit01
        let ActiLoopPointsEg01Ref.fDuration := 0.5
        let ActiLoopPointsEg01Ref.fFPS := 24
        let ActiLoopPointsEg01Ref.iInitialized := 1

...which is the only programming you need to do - replace names then set fDuration and fFPS.
The rest is parenting XMarkers for the animation path.


I'm a fair way into creating a course to cover what is in the video. The course also has a section on CS and OBSE variables - to allow for anyone who wants to use the core functions.

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Looks very nice

I hope it is more than that. Each step of the way I've aimed to make it easy, not just easier. The outcome is 2 Activator scripts that never need to be changed where their Starter scripts only have a few lines of code. In addition there are a number of functions of further use.


For example, instead of using 6 variables and 6 functions to record location and rotation there is 1 function that returns that as 1 variable, a location vector (position and direction).


The difficult part is teaching - the hurdle of grasping a few concepts.

The first tutorial of importing the code library is fairly short where we use CSE to combine the LerpCode.esp with the exercise esp - this shows us how to combine it with our own esp.

The next is making an animation like the lever one in the video - if you know what you're doing less than 2 minutes.


I come back to my concern that it is scripted code where people will run into problems and change source for the wrong reasons.


I want to write it as an OBSE plugin but I'm finding that too hard, I know C++ but I'm finding myself lost on where to start. If, however, somebody can help me bridge the gap then I'm confident the resource could present Spherical Linear Interpolation (SLERP). This is where the algorithm uses the rotation of each point to plot an arc of points between them. The figure 8 in the video, for example, uses 13 XMarkers which isn't enough to provide the illusion of curvature. Using SLERP it would probably look better on 9, let alone 13 nodes.

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I do a LERP in my mod here to shrink a galleon.

Nice work there GamerRick.


Scaling, I meant to come back to that sooner. As XMarker does not support scaling I've done a custom one.


Again, the target is that the resource will require no knowledge of programming.

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