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Ledge "vaulting" (grab onto a ledge and pull self up)


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  • 2 months later...

I would think such (or something similar) is possible in Fallout 4 as it is in Skyrim (EVG Animated Traversal: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/63232?tab=description); doing such wouldn't work the same as those games. You'd have to add animation prompt markers throughout the Commonwealth.


Which I would presume would need patching with practically all location mods. Also, I don't think Skyrim has precombines, so that might be an additional issue. That said, parkour would be rather neat (especially with some of the location stuff I want to do), though far outside my range of experience modding wise.

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I've been considering this for a few months. I think there's a way to do it on the fly if you can accept some caveats. There's a mod that attempts to give the player a way to use cover, I think it shoots an invisible beam out at certain heights or something. You could do the same from a higher point fired at a downward angle.
Now assuming it detects something tall enough that a reasonable person might say you'd have to climb up to, and also at a distance close enough for you to actually do so- you could then place the animation furniture there(that's what is being used in the EVG mod Aly mentioned) and have the player interact with it automatically perhaps. This whole process could be hotkey controlled? Unsure.


The issues are these:
you probably need to hotkey it, and there are only so many keys on the keyboard/controller(maybe detect player being in the air, treat it like double jumping?)

the angle of the climb could be wonky because you might not have been facing the ledge perfectly straight on to start with(two or three invisible beams might be able to compensate with a bit of math to see where to angle the furniture)

you might clip through things accidentally at times

you could probably clip through things on purpose and cheat your way through locked doors or something

ledge detection might be wonky not only because of your angle, but also because of the size of the thing you're trying to climb, the invisible beam might miss?(think thin walls, etc)

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making animations is easy. But if this furniture animation, then I don't know how to make idle play once and exit the loop on its own. Also, exiting a furniture animation can physically move character in z, but for some reason does not move the character in y,x. That character will climb a wall, for example, and pile down from there at the y,x point of entry into the animation. Edited by South8028
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