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Female manga stile eyes


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I know its a big work. It needs new eyes, new face, new etc...

But I still asking for it cous I'd really like to see that in the game. Maybe needs a costum race too, but I dont know.

I talking about eyes like these


Ore like these


If someone about to make them please pm to me, and we can discouss the details. Thanks the big work :yes:

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From a conceptual point of view, this project would probably end in tears if done in any way besides "plop anime head 'masks' over all standard races and alter body textures to match the heads level of detail".


I mean that with no malice; it's just the way perception works in this scenario. With art styles that focus on simplicity, such as in a good amount of anime/cartoons, the characters resemble actual human forms in a way that focuses on symbolism rather than realism. This is all fine and dandy when kept in their original styilized world, but if taken out of that and plopped into a more realistic looking setting suspension of disbelief is broken and the viewer begins to consider the subject less of a stylization and more of a terrifying abomination.


Attempting to fiddle with the default face editor for this purpose wouldn't work either, since the non-realistic shapes and the realistic level of detail would clash in the most soul-searingly horrifying ways possible.


In summary: To make these types of faces/eyes not seem like the result of radiation poisoning on the heavily realistic looking F3 characters, all the default humanoid races would have to be part of this overhaul. And it would be quite a colossal overhaul if the end-result faces are intended to emote properly, instead of simply being a large amount of "masks".

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Oblivion allowed for large, very anime-ish eyes.


...It... just didn't look right most of the time. You could get something fairly decent with enough time spent tweaking, but for the most part it just didn't work out.

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