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The great Houses


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I never found out and I know tons about morrowinds history and the propecies but I never found out why the three great houses were fighting and why they split up.


did each of them believe and have a different point of view of how morrowind should be?

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Yes, they do all have different views-but when that started I don't know. I believe that they WEREN'T all squabbling when Veloth led them to Morrowind, though.


Here's what I think of them:


TELVANNI: GO AWAY, I don't want to be bothered!

REDORAN: Greetings, Outlander, MUST I put up with you?

HLAALU: You have money? No? Then I can't be bothered.


I suspect that each of the Tribunal is aligned with one Great House, at least as far as personality goes. But, the great houses were already prominent at the time of the Dwemer/Dagoth - Chimer war.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
I believe that it was because of the death of neverar and the whole red mountain thingy the great houses split up and that the leaders began to contened for power thinking that the nerverine prophicies were false.
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  • 3 weeks later...



Sotah Sil-Telvani


These three gos dos not like each other very much! So doesnt the three great houses. Sotha SIl is a mage and therefor probaly a telvani. Almelexia who is a psyqho and warrior/battlemage is Redoran. And Vivec the selfish little male without a father is a Hlallu. A pity that we coudent learn more of Sotha Sil. Becouse the i would have somethingh negativ to say about him too!

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  • 1 month later...

maybe somebody should ask bethsda to make a book or something in morrowind which explains all this? anyway, i don't really lik hlallu, sometimes i wish i could just run in and kill them all, they really get on mynerves.


and i think that something happened, like one of them wanted to take over morrowind and make it their own, or one of them blabbed some secrets or something.

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  • 1 month later...

Just a note: Hlaalu, Redoran, and Telvanni aren't the only dumer great houses


Hlaalu, Redoran, and Telvanni are the only dumer great houses in Vvardenfell

There's also Houses Dres and Indoril

and technically you could count the 6th house, House Dagoth



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