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The Next Tes is the End of the Human Main Culture, how many TES Games


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In Daggerfall, the Main Culture was the Redguards (Humans)


In Morrowind, the Main Culture was the Dark Elves (Dunmer)


In Oblivion, the Main Culture was the Imperials (Humans)


In Skyrim, the Main Culture was the Nords (Humans)


Now in TESVI and maybe Future TES Games, the Main Cultures will be Elven - Cat - Reptile Culture Races


I also think there will be 4 remaining TES Games to be made with their Central Homelands and Cultures.


Will there be more TES Games, or do you think Todd has thrown down the Gauntlets and decide ESO is the Final in the Lore since you visit All of Nirn, so why waste time on the rest of the Lands in separate TES Games.


Summerset Isles - High Elves (Altmer)


Valenwood - Wood Elves (Bosmer)


Elsweyr - Khajiit (Cat Folk)


Black Marsh - Argonians (Reptilian Folk)


So far, there is no Main Culture Land for a TES Game involving the Orcs and Breton as the Main Culture, or am i missing something.


Who do you Choose as your Character in every TES Game, i Always take Bretons.

Edited by daventry
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In Arena, the first TES; you visited all of Tamriel.

So there will be as many TES games as there is lore to use. These games sell like nothing else, so why stop? It would be like Final Fantasy stopping at game 1, as they planned to.

Why butcher a money cow? As long as EA doesn't show up, this is all good.


Note, Breton hails from High Rock and is where Daggerfall took place mainly.

Orcs hails from a small kingdom near High Rock as well.

There are also other places than Tamriel: Yokuda, Atmora, Akavir, Pyandonea, Thras and Aldmeris.

Tang Mo, Kamal, Ka Po'Tun, Tsaesci and Maormer are all races there.

The Redguard also hails from Yokuda and the High elves from Aldmeris.



So, there are a lot of content to take from, and that does not include the story with the Thalmor that needs unfolding.



Edited by Matth85
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and Aldmeris.

Aldmeris probably never existed as a physical place, and was more of a metaphor for the unity of the Mer prior to their splitting along cultural, religious and ideological differences.

But anyway... We know there are some big things on the horizon. Landfall, the judgement of the Dwemer, the rise of the Ayelidoon Hegemony, mass transit to other plane(t)s, Space ships piloted by trees and firing bombs which implode causality.

TES doesn't have to be focused around a particular culture. It has much bigger concepts to explore and deal with. In most games, the culture forms nothing but a backdrop, and a constantly changing one at that. Take Solstheim to instance, the Dunmer culture there is subtly different that what we saw in Morrowind.

Todd Howard has stated, however, that TES:O has no bearing on future Elder Scrolls titles, and in no way impacts their plans for future development of the franchise. Plus, it's, you know... set 1000 years in the past.


Edited by Lachdonin
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That could be. I frankly got no idea about it. My knowledge of the lore is rather basic. Not going too much into depth.

However, what I do: There will be TES games for years to go. If they want a game in all povinces of Tamriel, and then start delving into other continents, we are set for about 20+ more years of TES titles.

A TES game takes an average of 4-5 years to complete.


We are not running out of sweet, sweet TES games any time soon. For all we know it's the new Final Fantasy in terms of a series.

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If they want my money they better turn this ish around. I've gone back to Oblivion.


I just hope they pick a region with charisma. Skyrim is the ugly duckling of Tamriel provinces.

Good for us your opinion means nothing.

3.4 million sales the first 48 houres.

The average score of the game is what, 96+/100?


And Skyrim is suppose to be harsh and cold, not full of colors and being charismatic.

Wait for the more southern countries for that. Then you get lush forest and crystal blue river, all filled with dangerous wood elves that snipes you.

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If they want my money they better turn this ish around. I've gone back to Oblivion.


I just hope they pick a region with charisma. Skyrim is the ugly duckling of Tamriel provinces.


And Oblivion had charisma? It was the same generic fantasy forest with stone castles as just about every other D&D ripoff since the dawn of time. It was like looking at a politician and saying "You know, I think this guy will be different".


The only thing that gave it any charisma was the Shivering Isles, once Bethesda had learned they had made a terrible mistake. Should have just gone with the jungle.



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Id love to see proceduraly generated sandbox recreating the whole of tamriel again(as in Arena) or a very detailed region (as in daggerfall) with modern technologies. alas it probably wont happen since this is not the way Bethesda makes games (they are still good game nevertheless though)

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It would be fun to have randomly generated dungeons again. That said, I still remember being stuck in a single dungeon in Daggerfall for 3 houres >.< Then I found the correct hidden path, and got the damn heart.

I have never been as frustrated in my life :o


Though it would be amusing to have a similiar design with todays technology. Perhaps done a little better.

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