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Conditional fast travel


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I was thinking it's be nice to have a mod that makes fast travel require owning a horse, and that you could only fast travel from a city. It's this already a mod? I was hoping to make my Skyrim experience require more adventure, sort of the way Morrowind more or less forced you to travel the routes at times. I'm thinking of combining this with a mod that prevents waiting in the wild without a bed, to give a purpose to all those bandit camps and empty sheds. And let's be honest, it's a little cheap that you can just wait an hour in the middle of some ruins and have all your stats revived.
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If you are going to force fast travel if a horse is owned and only allow it from cities... Place a hitching post at each of the stables and either pop a message box and the user select one of your predefined destinations and you use FastTravel in your script. Or you could do some NPC trickery and make it appear as if the hitching post were talking to you and use dialog to choose the destinations.


Even better, you could possibly convert the horse itself into Mr. Ed and let it do the talking about where to go :P

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