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Argonian tails move sideways in the water.


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As the tittle says, it would be cool if argonians made more use of their tails while swimming, considering their background. Idealy they'd move like godzilla, arms and legs together and the tail swinging sideways for propulsion. The same tail animation they have while walking would do, but I have no idea if you can combine it.

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Idealy they'd move like godzilla,


I hope you're talking 'bout the Emmerich version because...



















Edited by ghosu
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As the maker of Unique Beast Races I'd love to improve anything graphical related to Beast Races. Sadly, animations is something I can't consider. A quality animation made from scratch is something really rare here on Nexus. Bethesda used motion capture and thats why animations look a lot better than previous games.
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