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bloodmoon installation


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Some n00btard has left very "detailed" (read: walks you through how to delete a file) instructions on how to cleanly reinstall Morrowind that he obviously ripped from Bethesda -- either that, or he refers to himself as "we" and "the technical support staff" to make himself feel important.


Either way, I suggest that you follow them.


*laugh* ok i'll do that.

thank you SO much for your patience/help!!!!!!

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  • 1 year later...
Some n00btard has left very "detailed" (read: walks you through how to delete a file) instructions on how to cleanly reinstall Morrowind that he obviously ripped from Bethesda -- either that, or he refers to himself as "we" and "the technical support staff" to make himself feel important.


Either way, I suggest that you follow them.



I know this is an extremely old thread but the reason he got that error was most likely because he may have installed two patches and not just one.


In one of my more brilliant moments I installed bloodmoon patch before tribunal. For some odd reason I thought that they played out that way in the story line. I got that entire error repeated over and over during installation until I applied the patches in the correct order of tribunal then bloodmoon.


All is good and I can get lost in my game again.....lol. :ph34r:

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  • 2 weeks later...
i have just installed bloodmoon and keep getting error msgs about chunk size and additional weather chances. then my game crashes. i have reinstalled bloodmoon a million times, downloaded the patch, tried reinstalling again and nothing works!


can anyone tell me how to fix it??

have you gone to the data files yet in the mainmenu were it says play if haven't go there and cilk on it and prese play

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