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How to pass an esp file to esl?


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Je ne parle pas anglais mais j'utilise la traduction google. Si la traduction est mauvaise et que quelqu'un parle la langue Française, si il ou elle pouvait mettre une traduction plus correcte, je vous en remercie d'avance.


J'utilise beaucoup de petit mode qui rende le jeu plus réaliste. Par exemple, j'utilise un mode qui me permet de fouiller des containers que l'on ne peux pas fouiller de base. Et les fichier son toujours en esp. En utilisant ces petits modes, je dépasse très facilement la limite des fichier esp supporter. C'est pour ceci que j'ai décidée d'essayer de transformer ces fichier en esl à fin que je puisse les utiliser. Et si les moddeurs de accepte, je posterai les fichier esl que j'aurai crée sur le site.


J'ai besoin de votre aide s'il vous plait pour m'apprendre à passer les fichiers esp en esl.





I don't speak English but I use google translate. If the translation is bad and someone speaks the French language, if he or she could put a more correct translation, I thank you in advance.


I use a lot of small mode which makes the game more realistic. For example, I use a mode that allows me to search containers that you can't search by default. And the files are always in esp. Using these small modes, I very easily exceed the limit of esp files to support. That's why I decided to try to transform these files into esl so that I can use them. And if the modder accepts, I will post the esl files that I have created on the site.


I need your help please to teach me how to convert esp files to esl.

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It depends on the mod but here's how to do it in FO4Edit:


1. Open FO4Edit.


2. In the plugin selector window (which opens automatically), select the ESP plugin you that you'd like to convert to ESL.


3. Expand the tree next to the plugin's name, e.g., click on [+] OneMod.esp. (Plugin list is on the left side), click "File Header", click on "Record Flags", then press F2 (or right click) and check the checkbox "ESL".







4. Test the mod.


if you add the ESL flag to the plugin it will be trated as an ESL. Of course you can change the file name as well (e.g., OneMod.esp ==> OneMod.esl) but that's risky.. some mods come with Papyrus scripts that excepts the file name.

Edited by LarannKiar
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it works, thank you both!


On the other hand, I have a problem on the site: creationkit.com. When I try to create an account, I get this error message: Account creation error. The user account was not created, as we could not confirm its source. Ensure you have cookies enabled, reload this page and try again.

I do what he tells me to do but cannot create an account. Could you help me on this? Please.



ça marche, merci à vous deux!


Par contre, j'ai un soucis sur le site: creationkit.com. Quand j'essaye de crée un compte, j'ai ce message d'erreur: Account creation error. The user account was not created, as we could not confirm its source. Ensure you have cookies enabled, reload this page and try again.

Je fais ce qu'il me dise de faire mais impossible de crée un compte. Pourriez vous m'aider sur ce point? S'il vous plait.

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it works, thank you both!


On the other hand, I have a problem on the site: creationkit.com. When I try to create an account, I get this error message: Account creation error. The user account was not created, as we could not confirm its source. Ensure you have cookies enabled, reload this page and try again.

I do what he tells me to do but cannot create an account. Could you help me on this? Please.



ça marche, merci à vous deux!


Par contre, j'ai un soucis sur le site: creationkit.com. Quand j'essaye de crée un compte, j'ai ce message d'erreur: Account creation error. The user account was not created, as we could not confirm its source. Ensure you have cookies enabled, reload this page and try again.

Je fais ce qu'il me dise de faire mais impossible de crée un compte. Pourriez vous m'aider sur ce point? S'il vous plait.


I'm glad it worked :)


Unfortunately I can't help with the Creation Kit Wiki as I haven't created a wiki account so I don't know what's the issue. You can use the site without an account but if you really like to create one, try using another browser or maybe a smartphone.

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There are certain files that I cannot pass in esl but only in esm. It's normal?

On the main page of the site, he demanded the creation of an account. But I think I managed to download the program. Thank you!


Il y a certain fichier que je ne peux pas passer en esl mais uniquement en esm. C'est normal?

Sur la page principale du site, il réclamait la création d'un compte. Mais je crois que j'ai réussit à télécharger le programe. Merci à vous!

Edited by elsa43
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There are certain files that I cannot pass in esl but only in esm. It's normal?

On the main page of the site, he demanded the creation of an account. But I think I managed to download the program. Thank you!


Il y a certain fichier que je ne peux pas passer en esl mais uniquement en esm. C'est normal?

Sur la page principale du site, il réclamait la création d'un compte. Mais je crois que j'ai réussit à télécharger le programe. Merci à vous!


What do you mean exactly by "cannot pass in esl but only in esm"? The mod no longer works?


As for the connection between plugin files and load order,


- ESM files load first


- then any Creation Club ESLs


- ESLs


- finally, the ESPs


The above rules apply regardless of your load order. If the mod doesn't work anymore, it may have a master plugin that needs to be loaded first (e.g., the ESP file ("Origin ESP") you converted to ESL ("New ESL") may have an another ESP file as master ("Master ESP"). Master ESP can't be loaded before New ESL because all ESL files load before ESPs files. Master ESP was able to be loaded before Origin ESP if Origin ESP was simply placed below Master ESP in your load order).


Also, some mods have scripts that except file names so make sure not to change the file name.


Finally, an ESL plugin can have up to 4096 forms (more info). See FO4Edit >> your plugin >> File Header >> Number of Records. (If you could convert the ESP to ESM but not to ESL the plugin might have more than 4096 forms as the change of the load order can't be the problem).


Here's a very detailed post about plugin files. It was written for Skyrim SE but most of it applies to Fallout 4.


I can take a look the plugin if you provide a link.. unless the mod is more than 250 MBs.. :smile:


Almost forgot to mention that similarly to ESLs, ESMs doesn't count in the ESP plugin limit either so theoretically, you should be fine.

Edited by LarannKiar
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I hastened to change the files to esl and esm while changing the names. And the game can't load anymore. I will reinstall everything and modify the files according to the dependencies. And especially by keeping the original names. It will take me some time but I hope this time it will work.

Anyway, thank you very much for your help. :happy: :happy: :happy:

When I have finished installing the modes and modifying the files in esm or esl, I will come back to tell you if it works or not.


I forgot a detail, is the installation of the creation kit mandatory to modify files in esl or esm using testedit? please.


Je me suis empressée de changer les fichier en esl et esm tout en changent les noms. Et le jeu n'arrive plus à charger. Je vais réinstaller le tout et modifier les fichier selon les dépendences. Et surtout en gardantt le noms d'origine. ça va me prendre du temps mais j'espère que cette fois ci, que ça va fonctionner.

En tout cas, je vous dit un grand merci pour l'aide que vous m'apportez.

Quand j'aurai fini l'installation des modes et la modification des fichiers en esm ou esl, je reviens vous dire si cela fonction ou pas.


J'oubliai un détail, es que l'installation du kit de création est obligatoire pour modifier les fichier en esl ou esm en utilisant testedit? svp.

Edited by elsa43
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I hastened to change the files to esl and esm while changing the names. And the game can't load anymore. I will reinstall everything and modify the files according to the dependencies. And especially by keeping the original names. It will take me some time but I hope this time it will work.

Anyway, thank you very much for your help. :happy: :happy: :happy:

When I have finished installing the modes and modifying the files in esm or esl, I will come back to tell you if it works or not.


I forgot a detail, is the installation of the creation kit mandatory to modify files in esl or esm using testedit? please.


Je me suis empressée de changer les fichier en esl et esm tout en changent les noms. Et le jeu n'arrive plus à charger. Je vais réinstaller le tout et modifier les fichier selon les dépendences. Et surtout en gardantt le noms d'origine. ça va me prendre du temps mais j'espère que cette fois ci, que ça va fonctionner.

En tout cas, je vous dit un grand merci pour l'aide que vous m'apportez.

Quand j'aurai fini l'installation des modes et la modification des fichiers en esm ou esl, je reviens vous dire si cela fonction ou pas.


J'oubliai un détail, es que l'installation du kit de création est obligatoire pour modifier les fichier en esl ou esm en utilisant testedit? svp.


No, the Creation Kit is not necessary, only FO4Edit.



By the way, I wrote an xEdit script earlier (sorry, I should have mentioned before..) that can be used to set the ESL flag on multiple ESP files.


Before you use it, create a backup of your plugins.. just in case. (And please, it's important, I have backups too. Using xEdit scripts is sometimes essential to make mods but even if the script is fine the procedure might not be always successful).




  Flags the selected plugins as ESLs.
Unit UserScript;

Function Initialize: Integer;
		AddMessage('-------------------- START --------------------');

Function Process(e: IInterface): Integer;
		sESL = '0000000001';
		sESP = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
		sLocalizedESL = '0000000101';
		sLocalizedESP = '00000001';
		If (Signature(e) = 'TES4') Then Begin
			// Get record flags as string
			S:= GetElementEditValues(e, 'Record Header\Record Flags');
			// ESP
			If SameText(S, sESP) = True Then Begin
				SetElementEditValues(e, 'Record Header\Record Flags', sESL);
				AddMessage('ESP ===> ESL | ' + Name(GetFile(e)));
			// Localized ESP to Localized ESL
			If SameText(S, sLocalizedESP) = True Then Begin
				SetElementEditValues(e, 'Record Header\Record Flags', sLocalizedESL);
				AddMessage('Localized ESP ===> Localized ESL | ' + Name(GetFile(e)));


Function Finalize: Integer;
		AddMessage('-------------------- END --------------------');





To use it:


- Copy paste the code into a txt document (just paste into notepad)


- "Save as" the notepad text in your xEdit scripts folder: FO4Edit (installation folder) >> Edit Scripts (this is the xEdit scripts folder, you can find a lot of .pas files here). The file name is optional, you can save it as "ESLFlagSet.txt".


- Close notepad and change the file extension of the txt file you just saved (ESLFlagSet.txt) from .txt to .pas, so to "ESLFlagSet.pas"


- Open FO4Edit, select your plugins (preferably only the ESP ones but it doesn't really matter as the script skips ESL and ESM files), right click >> Apply Script... >> Select ESLFlagSet from the dropdown menu >> Click OK.


If the procedure was successful, you should see something like this:








Oh and almost forgot to mention that the script doesn't change the file extension of your ESP plugins, they'll remain .esp files (ESL flagged .esp files actually). So it won't break scripts that except the file names but you still need to reorder them in your load order. You might want to use a mod manager for that.

Edited by LarannKiar
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Alright, thanks for the script. For the moment, I don't have time to reinstall everything and make the changes. But as soon as I have some time, I'm leaning on it.


D'accord, merci pour le script. Pour le moment, je n'ai pas le temps de tout réinstaller et faire les modifications. Mais dès que j'ai un peu de temps, je em penche dessus.

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