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Need help with my mods/FS4E after onedrive hijack


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I am not sure what happened, but left my game working fine last night, but boot up today steam icon on desktop is replaced with a where are my files, one drive took over my documents folder and desktop icon for steam.


I put everything back into documents on drive, start Mo2, steam, launch f4se from mo2 and game loads but soon as I get in, my mods seem to be glitched out, get no FS4e or no scripts found, SS2 buildings are still there, but bodies are glitched like no CBBE working.


As far as I can tell everything is where it should be, my saves are detected, FO4 in same place, Fs4e still there but not sure what one drive could do to have this fubared so much, and that was only thing that seems to have changed so thats what I am currently blaming. I am just not sure what it could have re-arranged to cause this mess.


Any help would be vastly appreciated.


Well I am not sure what happened but figured would just try a new game to see what is loading, and somehow that fixed it for some reason. Went back to other saves and they work like normal now, not sure if a new game forced it back onto reading correct info or what but all settings back to normal.

Edited by Lochar67
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OneDrive tends to usurp a fair few folders in your user profile, and change the file path.... I don't think appdata is included though.... (which is where the file the game uses to see which mods should be loading resides) Just manually moving things around doesn't always work, as the paths for the folders are stored in the registry, which is what various things use to determine where various files should be. One of the reasons I do NOT use onedrive......

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