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CTD upon Launch


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I've just recently reinstalled Fallou 4 and i've reinstalled all the mods, the required files, F4SE, etc. However the game keeps crashing as soon as I start it. I first tried to change my load order, then i've tried disabling half and then half, etc. I sadly haven't been able to figure out the culprit for the crash. I then found and installed Buffout 4, and went through the crash log, but that didn't help because it honestly seems like a foreign language to me. I then ran it throug that Crash Log Autoscan to see if it could help me pinpoint the source for the crash but sadly nothing. I'm not gonna lie this is a bit beyond my technical knowledge.

I'm hoping that someone here on the forum can help me, understand the cause of the crash. I've added a link for both the Crash Log from Buffout and a link to the Autoscan result.

Fallout 4 Crash Log - Pastebin.com

Crash Log Autoscan - Pastebin.com

Edited by KlensHeaven
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Might try deactivating ALL of your mods, and see if just the base game (and any dlc) will run.


The games uninstaller really isn't that good. LOTS of leftover files and such. Reinstallation at a later date tends to see some really interesting results. :)

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Already did that and the game loads up fine. I've also tried disabling half the mods, and on and on, to rule out any mods however that's why i posted both the crash log and the autoscan because i couldnt find the source. The autoscan file mentions there's a culprit however it sadly doesnt mention which mod it is.
Also there were no leftover files, cause i always clean out my drives when i remove games, so there's no left over files other than the respective save files. Basically it was a clean install on a new drive.

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I'm using Vortex. According to what i've read on buffout and the autoscan they cant identify every problem/mod that can be the cause, because if they could then it wouldnt be an issue to fix whatever is wrong. I think it's about 140/150 cases that autoscan can identify.. not sure about the amount but yeah

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Hhhmmm..... Vortex leaves the ini files in their stock locations, so, no idea why buffout can't find it..... I think there is a thread somewhere dedicated to interpreting the logs..... but, I haven't seen it recently. Maybe read thru the comments section of the mod, and see if it can shed any enlightenment.

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yeah already posted in the comment section of the Mod, but its been like 4 days, so its not likely that i'll get an answer there. Plus from all the comments i've read through it's the same issue with quite a few but ofcourse the cause is for whatever reason different for most of them. Like half of the comments have replies mentioning quite a few mods that could be the issue but i dont really have any of those installed so it doesn't do me any good.

At the very least i know the crash is caused by some BA2 files or atleast i assume that's what a "BA2 Limit Crash" means.

Edited by KlensHeaven
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