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[REQ] Live in Helgen ruins


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Hi I would like to request a mod that would allow player to live in Helgen ruins after clearing the bandits. Currently it is impossible to use beds or even wait when in Helgen keep.


I always liked the idea of establishing my base in some ruins and Helgen just feels right.


However Im using live another life and Im not exactly sure if bandits move in into Helgen after the unbound quest, but to my knowledge the keep has not been change in LAL.


In short: remove anything that prevents waiting and other stuff in Helgen keep, make beds usable and make containers safe.

Edited by taro8
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My gripe is mostly about the fact that you cant sleep inside the keep, something prevents you from waiting too.


As for how: maybe after bandits move in the doors to the keep could lead to a completely new cell that would be a copy of Helgen keep, but without dragon attack ambient sounds and with functioning beds.


Funny thing you cant go to the dungeon in LAL as ceiling crashes when you go past storage room.

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This is probably way more elaborate than what you are asking for, but you may want to check out the excellent Helgen Reborn mod by Mike Hancho - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35841


The player character can help a group of warriors rebuild Helgen to it's former glory. It included new NPCs, new dungeons, and side-quests. As a great perk, you get one of the rebuilt keeps in town as a nice player home after the town is rebuilt. It provides hours of game play, and you can choose which side in the Civil War controls the town: Imperials, Stormcloaks, or independent (independents get their own unique flag and armor).


Apart from all the fun, the town bandits will never respawn....

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