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ESO monthly fee


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This is whats probably going to keep me from playing... I am not sure if I am willing to pay monthly for a game, even if it is Elder Scrolls. This however will probably give them the funds to make plenty of expansion packs for the game though. Who knows, maybe it will become free to play one day?

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In my opinion, the biggest hurtle is they need to convince hardcore TES fans that this is not just WoW with an Elder Scrolls skin.


From the media they've released so far, that's exactly what it looks like, unfortunately.


All MMOs have inherent things that make them MMOs, but ESO isn't doing anything remotely interesting that hasn't been done before to make it stand out, the IP withstanding.


It will be interesting to see how it does, but I think Bethesda was smart enough to hand it off to another company because they know TES are primarly SP games and this is where they make their bread and butter across all platforms.

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This is the last straw. I thought I could give a try, but 15 bucks? What the heck?

Enough of this game.

No thanks ZeniMax. We aren't these kind of idiots.

Wake up! The only people interested in this are WoW fans, and with this insane price, they will just stick with their game.

Edited by Derok
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Well, we can all benefit from this game even if we do not buy it. For all the Lore fans, (like myself), imagine the huge influx of Lore that will come of this game? Finally we will know what each province is like Lore-wise. We saw them in Arena, but lets be honest, they all pretty much looked the same...


I don't know whether this is good or bad. My gripe is that it won't be as much of a surprise when Bethesda comes out with Elder Scrolls 6 set in an all new cool province.

Edited by MostlyMuggie
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As someone that's played MMOs extensively, ESO is going to have a LOT of hurdles to overcome. Almost all MMOs are F2P now. The only ones I can think of that require a subscription anymore are WoW (if you want to play past level 20), EVE, Final Fantasy, and I think Everquest Next is going to be sub based as well.


WoW gets away with it simply because it's been the game to play for years now. People have invested years into it, don't want to leave because it's where all their friends are so, the keep paying.


EVE has a unique and very cutthroat environment that is very popular among businessmen, lawyers, and other professionals who think $15 a month is a pittance. It also allows players to buy game time and then sell that game time in game to other players so that some people can play for free by farming in game currency and trading that to other players for more game time.


Final Fantasy didn't have a choice. It was pretty much acknowledged that if they didn't make a lot of money on that game that the company was going out of business.


EQN, in my opinion, is going to reshape the way MMOs are made due to the simple fact that no two playthroughs will ever be the same and the game will be different on every server due to the way the game actually evolves based on the actions of the players and out of those four is the only one I'd consider paying to play.


ESO has some nice graphics from what I've seen and it has a popular IP but, I've watched a lot of very pretty MMOs come and go and if TOR couldn't stand on just its IP, no game can. It sold over 1 million copies in roughly two weeks and went F2P in less than a year. ESO will make for a good niche game but, unless they do something to make it truly unique, it's going to stay a niche game and will likely go F2P as well.

Edited by Arimikami
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Gotta Agreed with Arimikami most MMO are starting to go F2P.


Like Tera online it has the same gameplay as shown in ESO but dull storyline.


PC and console for MMO! Are you really kidding me. MMO are really built for PC. I am not against with consoles but look at what happen to Diablo. Blizzard scam PC users for this stupid point and click MMO that have the same gameplay of F2P MMO game.

Also PC user would be stuck with console UI like in SKyrim and other Elder Scroll game!!!!

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Wait, you mean people are surprised that an MMO has an unreasonable monthly fee?


I've always been completely and entirely against the whole notion of MMOs. Unless the game itself is 100% free, I refuse to pay a monthly fee just for the privilege of being allowed to keep playing it. It's very little better than out and out robbery.

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