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Hello all you moders out there :whistling:

I've been learning the ropes of Blender lately, but I don't have the skills to make anything more than a pair of glasses.

I can't even make a hat! So I must ask for your help.


I would love if somebody made a hat like this for Oblivion:



There's just one catch... I was wondering if the hat could be made into a tail item or such, so that it doesn't crop the hair and make characters look strange, but rather just covers short hair.

If anyone has time to do this little project I would be very very grateful. Sadly, all I can offer you is Kudos, but I'm sure there are some others who would love a hat like this too!

Thanks people :thanks:

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I saw those earlier today, they are nice sugegasa but they really don't have the same effect as the ronin-gasa, which covers most of the face - good for a very mysterious or sinister kind of character.

Here is the perfect photo to show what I mean:




But thank you for pointing me towards that mod! I was considering it, but for roleplaying purposes I will hold out my hopes a little longer to see a ronin-gasa created.

So again, I beg! Anyone up for it?

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