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I have a bone to pick with a lot of pc fallout 4 mod authors


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First I want to start off by saying this is to state a grievance that many of us on consoles have had , when this whole mod theft spree was going on the entirety of the mod community blamed everyone on console for the mod theft and stopped making mods for fallout 4 for console players based solely on this incident.


No one else has addressed this ever since it happened and thats bulls***. Most mod authors take out their anger on the console community as a whole to this day for what happened and its not fair.


So if there are any mod authors who participated in throwing all of us out that genuinely respected your work and wanted to see a proper port from you guys how do you all feel now considering youve pretty much left console players dead in the water with very few new mods coming in because of your pettiness.

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Grudge? No.


Most mod authors who don't use console don't have consoles cross their mind, thinking it's deliberate to spite you is likely a massive overestimation.

Others don't want to develop things they won't use, don't want to support (troubleshoot/bug-fix) versions of the mod they can't test and/or limit their mods to console file sizes.

While others give permission for someone else to do it when asked nicely to port the mod the xbox.


Modders don't owe anyone anything, it's a hobby, I found the title of this post alarming because modders are people who share their hard work with the public for free, it's quite rude to complain about volunteers with no obligation.

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i think their talking about when Nexus started collections and archiving mods. thats what pissed off alot of mod authors saying that Nexus was stealing mods and taking control over them away from MA's. and as far as console players are concerned ( used to be one myself) Sony has restrictions in place that dont allow external assets (meaning mods can only be created with items already in the game by Bethesda nothing else) in any mod for any game on playstation...xbox has restrictions on adult content but allows external content and ANY mod that requires any kind of script extender wont work on console no matter how hard you try unless you're a master programmer and want to risk being banned from those platforms or possible criminal charges as well. so i would be more pissed that consoles have these restrictions in place instead of people who make mods.

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Papakat First off, great post. :thumbsup: I agree with you, and I know where you are coming from. A lot of the same points were made the first and second time that this guy posted his rant about this. This is the third time, so now we're just to the point of having fun about it. :laugh:

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