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Pick Up and Use Random Carts in Skyrim?


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I think it would be awesome if you could pick up random carts you see around Skyrim like at mines or in Riverwood, put your stuff in them and carry them while traveling. This would be a great help while overencumbered. You could also fast-travel while using them since you can fast-travel while using a horse or even being a werewolf or flying on a dragon all while overencumbered! You would click "E" to activate said cart and a menu would pop up asking you if you want to store items or pull cart.


Storing would do the obvious only one of the many purple knapsacks seen throughout Skyrim would appear. This knapsack would be safe for storage though and you can dump all your loot in it. You can then choose the option to pull the cart and you will drag it behind you while you run. You can't see it in first person though cause it would be behind you unless the cart should be pushed in front of you.


Not sure what would be easier! Ideally you could also have the options to have your follower push or pull the cart so you can be free to do whatever the hell you want. And of course, there should be the option to hitch it up to a horse if you have one. The possibilities are endless! In order to obtain it you would need to stop by one of the many static carts that can only be knocked over all over Skyrim and do the menu thing.


You could also craft it at a forge perhaps or at a unique cart crafting station somewhere near Helgen so you can use it early on in a new game! I know this is a lot to ask for but I think it would add true purpose for these random static carts and would greatly add to immersion and realism, not to mention when you are overencumbered! But enough rambling and here's to hoping this will become a reality. Fingers crossed...


...And many thanks in advance!! :)

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P.S. I know there are mods that give various wagons out there but they aren't the same and don't feel vanilla. Most don't take into account that it's just a wagon and have a whole player home and crating station though in real life it would take tons of effort to even *LIFT* an anvil or bed on a cart let alone your poor horse pulling it. Sorry for the rant! :) Just wanted to let you guys know that I know of those mods and even used a couple.

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  • 3 years later...
  • 2 years later...

This should definitely be made!!! Though for "realism" storage capacity should be limited to a set point or it should be a magical cart that makes the stuff in it both weightless and in another dimension. Otherwise, it's like the anvil or bed thing. ;-)

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