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FOSE Errors (also GECK)


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I have just received my Steam version of Fallout 3 GOTY (version 1.7) and with I think the GECK version or something like that. Anyway, I've had a few problems.


My problem with FOSE is that when I launch using NMM command "Launch with FOSE" it has an error saying "Couldn't find D:\ Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\fallout3ng.exe, make sure you're running this with the same folder as Fallout3.exe."


My .exe is in the steamapps area, but I have FOSE in both. I do not know what the problem is, and I've followed the instructions to as far as I know exactly.


Second problem, is with the GECK, when I launch GECK.exe it says "can't start becayse libvorbisfile.dll is missing from your computer." While reinstalling could help, do I just reinstall by control panel or what?




The FOSE is the main problem since I don't plan on doing anything with making my own mods. Any advice would help. Thanks :)

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It sounds like you previously had a non-Steam installation of the German "no-gore" version of Fallout 3 and didn't uninstall it before purchasing the game on Steam. Uninstall it, delete the INI files in your Documents folder, and run the launcher to re-detect hardware and set the appropriate registry keys. You'll have to update the location of your game installation folder in NXMM.
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libvorbisfile.dll is a New Vegas file. It would appear you are trying to use the wrong GECK.




See here for installation instructions for the GECK: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Bethsoft_Tutorial_GECK_Setup#Install


My .exe is in the steamapps area, but I have FOSE in both. I do not know what the problem is, and I've followed the instructions to as far as I know exactly.


What .exe?


If you installed FO3 correctly, your Fallout3.exe should be in Steam/Steamapps/common/Fallout 3 (could be that you don't have a "common" folder though)


That's also the same (and only!) directory the Fose .exe and everything that comes along with it should be installed.

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