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Is there some kind of list of what is and isn't allowed?


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Or is it just the whims of whatever moderator happens to look at it? Without naming any specific cases, which is apparently a meltdown trigger in itself, but there's plenty of times where content no reasonable person could possibly find objectionable is banned almost at random for unnamed, undefinable "bigotry" or something equally vague, and rational people are just left to scratch their heads. I'm hoping there's someone mature and honest enough to give a real answer without the usual "locked thread, nananana, my site, nananana" responses, which frankly just exacerbate the problem.


If we had a list of things that trigger the staff, or even access to the alternative definition of words that they're using to interpret content, it might go a long way towards helping authors, users, and even staff avoid wasting time, and avoid controversy and conflict. Nobody wants to spend time replacing in-game apples with bananas only to find that they've crossed some unspoken line and engaged in criminal applephobia, and I'm sure you don't want to spend the time policing it. As it stands now, "Mod that replaces X with Y" is allowed, but then "Mod that replaces the exact same X with a different Y" is simultaneously not allowed, which is a little confusing for everybody.

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I think we all know why you're posting this and what has got you "confused".


Nope, the terms are written in such a way that allow us flexibility in what we allow and do not allow. If we provided a comprehensive list then not only would we lose that flexibility but, (1) it would grow out of date extremely quickly requiring constant attention, which would be a waste of our time and (2) people would simply look for subtle ways around the listed things to spread the things they know full well are not allowed, but can then use "it's not on the list" as an excuse. We're not going down that path, that's the path to more silly non-sense.


I don't think it's particularly confusing. Just don't upload things that are deliberate troll bait (and using a sock puppet account to do it shows your true colours in this regard), or then reupload that same troll bait again and again when it's already been shown to not be allowed. You'll be fine and you won't be banned.


I'd say "use your common sense" to steer away from obviously controversial and unacceptable mods, but unfortunately that's in short supply in some areas of the internet.

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