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Big fat heavy armor


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Hi there Mod Community. :smile:

After browsing through various armor mods on the Nexus I still haven't found a heavy armor that really fits to a slow but invicible tank-like fighter.

I don't know if anyone here has ever played the Fire Emblem Series, but the "Knight" Armor comes pretty close to what I imagine.


Here are some examples of what I mean:







It would be awesome if anyone here would make an armor set similar to this.

But if someone knows an similar looking armor set on the nexus please tell, maybe I missed something. ^_^

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Thanks Scott, the Hedge Knight Armor looks nice.



It looks like it would be hard to move in that armor


Yes of course. The armor should have to be very heavy, so sprinting would be nearly impossible. But I'm just missing that kind of extreme armor in the Elder Scrolls games.

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I suggest you a skeleton mod, to make your character even bulkier and bigger.

It's not just the armor. Shoulders are really distant each other, not something an armor mod can give.

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@Derok Yeah you're probably right, but I think it's possible to create a armor that looks similar to the second example.

You mainly need overexaggerated pauldrons and fitting greaves. It's only a guess though, I'm not a modeller myself.

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  • 6 years later...

Hell yeah! I would love armor like that! I have been thinking this exact same thing ever since I started getting into Mods, even tried modeling some myself but with little success. I play a ton of Darksouls, and love the look of the real tanking armors in that series like the Dragon Rider set, Gyrm set, Exile set, Catirina set, and THE CROWNING BIG FAT ARMOR- the HAVEL SET!!!! there is nothing that makes you feel more tanky then wearing a boulder!


Also, I have a suggestion, If more big armors for my brothers of the pleasantly plump come along, I want to also advocate for some heavy-ass weapon animations. I have always been disappointed that war-hammers in skyrim only swing slower to show their weight. It would be epic if there were animations that had the dragonborn look as if he is bringing a F-king mountain down on his foe. Like heftily lifting a Huge ass weapon like a bench-press only to bring it down with the might of Zeus in an earthshaking impact like the giant's club.

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