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Cunelito - BANNED

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Cunelito banned





just read what happened and the ridiculous "justification" for banning a person


I will never endorse anything NM does, you ppl are entitled extremists that preach for diversity and inclusivity but act divisive and exclusive




it's clear this is not a community, this is a monopoly with an idiotic political agenda that abuses free skilled labour,


too rich to go against the established ideology of the day and would rather destroy someone than accept every point of view, how very typical




"we won't be providing a platform for you to distort our position in order to feed an irrational and paranoid narrative"


you are the irrational paranoids in this story, not the guy you banned for making an american flag


let me guess, you hate america too right? and the so called patriarchy? and men can become women?




thanks for showing your true colors


I hope your enterprise dies, maybe that vacuum will create a real modding community where everyone is welcome, even if they don't share your ideology and without censorship






enjoy your mass psychosis and say helo to addblock


august landmesser sends his regards


Let me help you to the door.

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