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Clean AE Master files?


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There's seriously no real reason to clean said files. Is it recommended? No. Is it needed? No. There's no benefit in doing so.

There's no concensus. If you know how to mod, then go ahead and do what you think will work. Otherwise, just ignore these files and move on.

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There's seriously no real reason to clean said files. Is it recommended? No. Is it needed? No. There's no benefit in doing so.

There's no concensus. If you know how to mod, then go ahead and do what you think will work. Otherwise, just ignore these files and move on.

I don't think it unreasonable to expect that if you want to contribute something here you support it with something more tangible than an opinion.


Anecdotes are not a good basis on which to determine fact, especially in matters of a technical nature.

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  • 2 years later...
19 hours ago, MasterGunner124 said:

2025 And we still have no agreement. Should we Clean Masters? Loot says every cc mod needs cleaning. So should I or should I not clean them???

The eternal $25,000 dollar question ain't it?  😕

I installed 1.6.1170 a few weeks ago and wondered the same thing, but I got very little feedback, so I've just played without doing it. So far it's ok. Had one or two CTDs (~450 mods), but nothing (knock on wood) bad so far (nor can I say those two CTDs had *anything at all* to do with the masters not being cleaned...)


... fwiw

sorry can't answer the question, just commiserating

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If one has mods that edit anything about any CC stuff, or is planning to use said mods, then that one should absolutely not clean the CC files in xEdit.
LOOT was made before Creation Club was made, so what LOOT says about CC content is obsolete information.  The "dirty" lines of code are necessary, most of them are probably edits to exterior worldspace areas, in some cases interiors.  Cleaning the files might have unintended consequences, quite likely actually.
I remember having to reinstall the game and verify integrity of game files through Steam when I auto-cleaned all the CC content one time a couple of years ago, game got so broken and many CC contents weren't being detected.

Edited by SirCadsimar
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On 3/6/2025 at 2:26 PM, SirCadsimar said:

If one has mods that edit anything about any CC stuff, or is planning to use said mods, then that one should absolutely not clean the CC files in xEdit.
LOOT was made before Creation Club was made, so what LOOT says about CC content is obsolete information.  The "dirty" lines of code are necessary, most of them are probably edits to exterior worldspace areas, in some cases interiors.  Cleaning the files might have unintended consequences, quite likely actually.
I remember having to reinstall the game and verify integrity of game files through Steam when I auto-cleaned all the CC content one time a couple of years ago, game got so broken and many CC contents weren't being detected.

I recall the whole "clean masters" thing being refuted during 1.5.97 as unnecessary or even potentially hazardous for that specific version, (why I question it today, at least in part, but also the whole idea of cleaning masters in the first place... I mean, what IS dirty data anyway... and who defines what it is in this instance, no matter a general definition of "dirty edit"?), although in 1.5.73 and 1.5.80 that was the leading paradigm promoted by those who at the time held virtual "social networking" statuses of being "experts" (ie in favor of cleaning masters). Never with an answer to why, just  "do it or else you face the ire of the consensus". I'd be glad to do it is there's actually a reason for doing it, outside of  "Bbbbut everyone's doing it!"

Admittedly , it seemed to be a good excuse for the Skyrim leets to chastise newbies who came looking for answers to why this or that mod didn't work or how to solve a load issue. Far easier than answering the question, is programmatically regurgitating a canned (non) "answer" of, "Well, uh, you did clean da masters amirite or wut?"

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