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Should I restart?


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Okay so I have been battling with loading screen times, pauses, freezes, and etc for a long time now. I had a ton of mods installed, like 90, and no lag. Game is running great. Butttttttt, it pauses for 15 seconds every minute or so, and my loading screen times are unbelievably long. I am positive my saves are bloated because I checked the task manager and its at around 800 mbs. I have been trying to clear it forever and been trying to fix other problems, but nothing is working. So I'm wondering if I should delete all of skyrim completely, and start over with a new game and only install mods that I really want/need. Or, does anyone know any fixes? I would be devastated if I had to lose my masterpiece of a character, but if it will fix my issues it might be worth it. Thanks for any help.


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What has Task Manager got to do with it? You won't see the size of your saved games there. They are usually in


C:\Users\UserName\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves


(This is for Windows 7)


An 800 MB save will not load. It's considered bloated when it gets to about 20 to 30 MB. Any more than that, and it is DEFINITELY bloated and you will have trouble. So check the size of your latest saves in that folder.


More likely is that you have changed mods part-way through a game several times. This IS known to cause all sorts of embedded script calls to cause infinite loops and bloat saves.


So, if you have done that, you could start a new game with a stable mod list and should have no problem. It's usually a good idea to start a new game when you remove mods, or revert to a save before you installed a mod you are trying out. You can add compatible mods whenever you like, but removing and changing mods can cause problems. Not always, but it is a known problem with some heavily scripted mods using certain types of script calls.



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Oh my gosh, I had no idea you found the size there lol. I had like three different people tell me to look in task manager. My save is 8 mbs now, thank god haha. But I guess that I will just start completely from scratch, because I removed a ton of mods recently, and they were all pretty huge too. Thanks for the help though. c:

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Yes, pauses, lag and the other problems you mentioned could easily be caused by yanking mods out and carrying on with the same character.


There is a method that can work to reset your game (not guaranteed), but if it is a much-loved character it's worth trying.


Get No Boring Sleep Wait and follow this procedure: (the links might not work, but it doesn't matter)




Disabled Mod-Related Problems

The recommendation for mods and new patches which may be causing problems is to disable all your mods, start a new game (particularly after a patch), re-enable all your mods a few at a time, updating them first if necessary, and eliminating those which seem to cause the problem.

However, some mods which are disabled can still cause problems if redundant script references (determined from papyrus log files) are still embedded in the saved game file and can cause lag, CTDs, missing textures, save bloat etc.

New Note: Save bloat means that your saved game files increase in size due to redundant script calls. It is normal in Vanilla Skyrim for your saved games to increase from about 3.5 MB at level 1 to about 11 or 12 MB at level 65, but if your saves are 25, 40, 60 MB there is a severe problem. Simply disabling mods very often does not fix this problem and in many cases can make it worse. A short discussion of this by MaintenanceMan can be found here.

Also, the order in which mods are loaded can affect compatibility, as the last to load takes priority over any earlier mods loading. It is also not a good idea to use too many mods that do similar things. If two mods edit the same thing, the "Rule of One" applies. If one mod does the same as three or four others, the rule of "Less is More" applies. Some mods are designed to work together, such as the improved weapons and armour fixes, Smithing Overhaul and Complete Crafting Overhaul. They rely on each other but load order is important. Research your mods before using them.

Load order can be established using a utility such as BOSS. In all cases, mod author's instructions on installing, load order and uninstalling take priority.

If you want to uninstall Skyrim completely for a totally clean re-install, try either of these:



If you want to revert to a pristine condition or an earlier version, try this procedure.
Note that you will need to make a zip file of your installed game so that you can revert to it if a patch screws things up, but if you disable on-line mode etc that need never happen. But it's worth using this procedure before you update, just in case.

If you want to try and remove all references to redundant scripts from your saved-game, you could try this. It's not 100% guaranteed to work but is worth a try if script residues are causing crashes, saved game bloat and other problems.

Install this mod from the Nexus (a useful mod in any case):

No Boring Sleep Wait

Follow this procedure

Brief Procedure
This is the version I use myself, which I edited for clarity and my own understanding. Full details and an explanation of the procedure are in the link above.

“The following procedure is almost always going to be overkill, but it is much simpler to present (and follow) a comprehensive procedure than to explain all the variety of different mods and different uninstall requirements for each of them, this is a uniform catch all procedure.”

Use this when you disable, update and remove mods (IE disable before you update).
Use it again when you enable, update and add new mods.

This procedure draft assumes you own Breezehome.

  • Go to Breezehome and put ALL your items into a safe chest or other player home.
  • If you use another home or do not own Breezehome (who doesn’t?), use the COC commands for that home instead.
  • I would also add that you remove all items from your followers.
  • Also, if a mod (like UFO) has very specific Uninstallation instructions, I would follow those procedures to disable the mod BEFORE using this procedure.

The custom Skyrim.ini is in ~\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Skyrim in Win 7

The Procedure

  1. Open Skyrim.ini in ~\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Skyrim.
  2. Add the following lines to Skyrim.ini, or change the 0 to 1 if they are already there, to enable a log file of errors in your saved game and how much is removed by the procedure.
  3. The game will create a new folder in ~\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Logs\Script, which will contain the Papyrus.0.log, with the 0 log being the newest and older logs cycling through 1 to 3.
  4. Download and install the No Boring Sleep-Wait Menu mod from Skyrim Nexus. This mod will allow you to wait for 31 days in one go. This mod was created with mod cleaning in mind.
  5. Deactivate or uninstall any mods that require you to eat, sleep, drink, stay warm etc to survive, such as Total Realism - Basic Needs. If you do not disable these, your character will die instantly after following these steps due to starvation, dehydration, etc.
  6. If you are uninstalling mods, strip naked and store your gear in a chest at Breezehome and make a backup hard save (NEVER rely on Quick Save or AutoSaves at any time).
  7. Make sure your active effects are clear, open the console, click on yourself and type dispelallspells, close the console and recheck active effects (this will cure vampirism and lycanthropy so if you have one of those, you must add it back with console after finishing the procedure).
  8. Open the Console, type save modremove (or save whatever_you_like as long as it is unique and has no spaces).
  9. Type qqq into the game console to exit the game to desktop.
  10. Uninstall the mods you no longer wish to use or are upgrading OR install the new mods and updates you want to use. Do not do both at the same time. Remove old/unwanted mods first, finish the procedure then install new mods and updates and complete the procedure again.
  11. Load your savegame. Ignore the notice that the savegame is missing content if it appears.
  12. Open the console, and type COC qasmoke to travel to the Testing Hall. Do Not pick up, open or use anything in the Testing Hall or it will corrupt your saved game and possibly Crash To Desktop. Close the console.
  13. Open the game console and type pcb.
  14. Type tfc to enable free camera mode and reduce the time for 31 days to pass.
  15. Close the console, press "T" to enable the waiting menu. Notice the new appearance due to the No Boring Sleep-Wait Menu mod.
  16. Move the slider all the way to the right until 31 days appears, press Enter and wait 31 days.
  17. Open the console and type tfc again to disable free camera mode.
  18. Open the Console, type save modremove2 (or save whatever_you_like2 as long as it is unique and has no spaces).
  19. Type qqq to exit the game to desktop.
  20. Change the Skyrim.ini settings added above to 0
  21. Now check the Papyrus logs to see what changed and to make sure you don't have crazy errors.
  22. Reactivate your realism mods, start Skyrim and load your save.
  23. Open the game console and type pcb again.
  24. Travel to Breezehome using the console command COC WhiterunBreezehome
  25. Check the chest for your items, reacquire any followers you dismissed, kit yourselves out and Play!

(Thanks to apoJake, MontyMM, Madwizard25, and Frihyland for contributions).

Realistic Water Textures & Terrain
This mod is no longer developed, and has been replaced by a new mod, named WATER. However, after the removal of this mod it is very likely that any saved games that relied upon it will suffer from missing water textures and other bugs. Please refer to the “Mods and Saves” section above for advice (follow links in above link).




I think what you were seeing in Task Manager was something to do with resources being used, but it wasn't saved game size.



Good Luck!



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