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Last Hero


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This is the 3rd scene of The Last hero. I hope u enjoy. Please leave a post telling me what u think :thanks:


Scene 3 (Wrong place at the wrong time)


The scene opens with Sam pulling up to Butches house. There are tons of kids there partying, drinking, and having fun. Sam parks his car on the side of the road, gets out, and begins to walk towards the house.


Butch: What the hell is that f@&!t doing here?


John: How the hell should I know?


Butch: Yeah well he better not try nothing with Jessie she’s my girl now.


John: Well if he does me and the guys got yo back.


Butch: Yeah right like I need yawls help to kick his ass.


(Sam walks into the house and goes straight to the couch and sits down.)


Tony: So anyways I was talkin’ to him and wonderin’ if he wanted the weed or not right and then…(He sees Sam sitting on the couch.) Be right back. (He walks over to Sam and sits down.) What up man?


Sam: Hey what’s up?


Tony: Look man you’re the only one not partying.


Sam: Your point?


Tony: My point is that the Sam I used to know would have already torn the roof off of this place.


Sam: Yeah well I’m not like that anymore.


Tony: Look just because…


Sam: Maybe I made a mistake coming here.


Tony: Never mind… Look just grab a beer, and have fun that’s all I’m sayin’.


Sam: Yeah maybe that is a good idea.


Tony: Okay I’ll seeyuh later. I gotta get back to my girls.


Sam: (Snickers.) Yeah I’ll seeyuh.


(Sam gets up and goes to the bar and begins to drink a beer. He finishes it and gets more. Soon he finishes that one and chugs them one by one. He then walks away drunkenly and bumps into someone on accident.)


Sam: Oh poo… I’m sorry man.


Jessie: It’s okay I wasn’t paying attention… Sam? Is that you?


Sam: If you mean Sam the…(He sways) Yes I am…What’re we talking about?


Jessie: Man your really wasted. (She sways her hand in front of his face.)


Sam: Well what can I say I’m one of a kind… Are you gonna finish that.


(Butch sees Sam talking to Jessie.)


Butch: Okay Sam now you’ve done it. John let’s kick this nerds ass.


John: Guys let’s move.


(They all start to walk towards Sam and Jessie. Tony sees them heading for Sam.)


Tony: Oh poo! Hey baby I gotta go. (He gets off of the couch and starts to walk towards Sam as well. Butch and his friends surround Sam and Jessie.)


Butch: What the *ban me* are yuh doing hangin’ out with this loser Jessie?


Jessie: We just bumped into each other Butch… It’s nothin’.


Butch: It’s okay it’s about to be nothing. So Sam why were you talkin’ to my girl for? You looking for a fight?


Sam: Last time I checked she was my girlfriend.


Jessie: Its okay Butch he’s just drunk let’s just go.


Butch: Did I ask you to speak… No I didn’t so shut-up.


Sam: Last time I checked that’s no way to speak to… OOF! (Butch punches Sam.) You punch like a female dog. (Butch rears his fist up and is about to deck Sam, but Tony steps in front of him.)


Tony: Is there a problem here?


Butch: Yeah your boy here was flirting with my girl here.


Tony: Look he’s just drunk, plus I’m pretty sure if he was sober he could kick your ass with one hand tied behind his back, so if I were you I’d get outta here before things get messy. (Butch and his friends start to walk away.)


Sam: That’s right you better run!


Butch: What was that?


Jessie: Let’s just go Butch.


(He starts to walk off then quickly turns around runs towards Sam and punches him in the face. Tony then turns around grabs a glass and smashes it over Butches head. Then John runs over and starts to fight Tony. Sam gets up and starts kicking Butch. Butch grabs his foot and trips him.)


Kid1: FIGHT!!!


Jessie: STOP!


(They continue to fight. Tony blocks Johns punch and punches John in the jaw. He falls to the ground, while Butch punches Sam and he trips and falls against the door. Tony sees that Sam is in trouble and tackles Butch. All three of them go through the door. Butch reluctantly gets up and kicks Tony in the face. Jessie is the first person to run through the door along with all of the other kids. Sam is trying to get up but he can’t.)


Butch: Your mine now you female dog. (As he says that a pod falls from the sky and lands on top of him.)


Jessie: HOLY poo!


(Sam finally gets up and starts to walk towards the pod. Other kids start running towards the pod and push him out of the way.)


Kid3: Somebody help me lift this he could still be alive.


Kid2: I highly doubt that.


John: Would you just shut-the *ban me* up and help.

(Tony gets up wondering what happened, when the pod begins to open, and everyone backs up. Sam once again is directly in front of the pod. Tony walks up to Jessie. As the pod opens a smoke is covering the object inside. Sam squints his eyes to see what it is. He sees a long metal object start to glow on the end.)


Sam: Oh… EVERYBODY DOWN!!! (He falls to the ground and a blue plasma ball of fire shoots out. It goes past Sam and hits John who is behind him. The creature begins to start shooting everyone. Sam gets up and starts to run. As he’s running more pods begin to fall from the sky.)


Kid1: RUN!!!


(Sam starts to run towards his car when a pod falls on top of it. He then starts running down the street. As he’s running other kids start to catch up with him. Blue beams of plasma are all around hitting random people. He then takes a left turn and hides behind a house. He looks to his right and sees people getting shot and killed. He looks to his left and sees a fence. He jumps over it and runs through the yard. He sees another fence and jumps over it and sees nothing but trees. He keeps running until he can’t run anymore.

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