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Everything posted by Maharg67

  1. Changed editing message from 'To show that this post has been edited from the start' to 'To show that this story has been edited from the start'.
  2. [4.6][0021] Further Ventures in that Most Terrible Highschool. (Direct continuation of post before this one) They learned, from the talking teddybear named Hugsalotta, that the teen-boy with the shovel was one Phillipe Corvetta whose wealthy family had owned the Corvetta Motor Vehicle Corporation. How he had ended up in the highschool was a mystery even to himself. It was like that with all of those who had somehow been brought back from death. As for the troubles they came partly from friction between different Elder Factions one of which wanted to dominate Happyland and the others which opposed it. Vending Machine Lane was not all such machines but had groups of them clustered inside semienclosed shelters. There were all the type ones that the Steel Players had seen in the unchanged highschool but some new ones also. Amongst them there were those that served the needs of flying babies, tricycle riding infants and a wide range of flora-fauna-fungi. A very big vending machine sold robots, another androids and yet another offered smaller vending machines. OneThreeMany spoke to them from an eyebot that appeared from somewhere. "Them bad Elders are gone now that wanted to dominate Happyland! They are recycled! Something bad,-mad-sad was in them that they would not help to get rid of, to let go of it, so they were executed by Robocops being authorised to do so by me-myself-I! When their souls departed, so did the badness-madness-sadness." Professor Sagesmart nodded. "Hard decisions have to be made sometimes. This place is quite amazing!" OneThreeMany: "It is not fully stable and me-myself-I wonders if you would let all of this, and all of us, go to Safeumary!" Shandy smiled. "Yes, that should be more than doable. Did you create the glowing flash of energies?" OneThreeMany: "No, me-myself-I thought you may have done so. Preparations have already begun for the 'great shift'. Special shelters are being prepared. Emergency baby milk bottles and nappies have been stored away. New Roboworkers, Robocarers, Roboguards and other types of Robocyborgs are already busy. Can you help us with some cases needing your special skills and experience. One problem is KingBilly and his trying to influence other schoolkids to demand tolls from some people. Deal with him and then we can do some deep, a little bit boring, talking about some things me-myself-I doesn't normally like to talk about." The Steel Players realised that it was a test of some kind and it was quickly decided that they would do so. It would be most useful, they sensed, to have that talk with OneThreeMany.
  3. Banana ferns for they are not truly trees at all.
  4. [45][0020] Further Ventures in that Most Terrible Highschool. (Direct continuation of post before this one) The older teenage boy threatened with his shovel, standing proudly in front of a ditch he had dug, and spoke arrogantly. "Anybody goes past my ditch pays a toll!" Sherry slapped him and he flew backwards to land, painfully, on his back and out of sight with a cry of shock and pain. Then he spoke. "Maybe not." Sherry walked over to the ditch and looked down at the sprawling figure. "Oh, you really are such a silly, sweet, young man! I don't want to have to slap you again." The boy gulped. "I don't want you to slap me again, either!" She smiled richly. "Very good! No more demanding of tolls!" He frowned. "KingBilly will not like that!" Sherry smiled ever onward. "I will have a word with this 'KingBilly' that you speak of!" The teenager sighed. "Never thought I would say such about that thug but I almost feel sorry for him! I am just going to lay here, close my eyes and groan in pain." Sherry smiled. "The police will arrive soon along with paramedics so you just relax!" The young man sighed again. "Yep, that information really reduces my stress level." Sherry, not reacting to his sarcasm in the slightest, smiled yet some more. "Very well, then, we must move on! You have a nice day, sweetie!" He might have said something but he had fallen into a state of semiconsciousness so she shot him with a pulse of healing energies and left a small bag of goodies on his chest. The group moved on!
  5. [4.4][0019] Further Ventures in that Most Terrible Highschool. (Direct continuation of post before this one) Many that had been dead were now alive at least in that transformed zone! The Steel Players walked along a wide, flagstone, path winding gently through a mixture of settlement and forest including tree houses. Peaceful former staff, and more students, were busy cultivating crops of bags-of-chips bushes, banana ferns, grape vines, NukaCola trees, socks vines, cigarette bushes and much else. Glowing baby figures, complete with nappies, zipped through the air making soft, happy, humming noises while clutching dollies or teddybears. Dogmet showed territorial respect by piddling on a tree. Shandy sighed and kissed him! There were other dogs there along with cats, rabbits, fluffy rats, not so fluffy snakes, dinosaurs of which most were on the smaller sizes, horses, colour coded cows often being milked of flavoured milk, smallish dragons, some peaceful bulls, androids sleeping while dreaming of electric sheep, tron type robots stomping around but staying safely on paths so as not to fall over, more than one MrHandy doing multiple chores, lots of humans, other robots, other androids, snoozing deathclaws acting more like 'napclaws' and much else that was active!? Shandy gently-firmly nabbed a flying baby and blew into her belly button causing the small one to chortle madly, to wave limbs wildly and to almost lose grip of her teddybear. The teddybear spoke out with mild alarm. "Baby be careful baby! Teddy does not want to fall to the ground!" Shandy spoke. "Teddy, do you speak for the baby?" The teddybear responded. "Yes-no, one is not sure what I can say! The infants won't know much better, nor the older kids but the teenagers just might! Not that is any of our real ages for we are but expressions, avatars, of the OneThreeMany. Adults are here, too, but are busy elsewhere. All the Elders are holding a big, important, meeting!" Sherry spoke. "Where are we?" The teddybear answered. "Happy Land of Endless Joyful School Holiday that is mostly just called 'Happyland'. Baby is named Lillylillylui #123ABC. All the babies have the same designation of #123ABC as matters are less confusing that way, at least for them!" Lillylillylui #123ABC was asleep, now, in Shandy's arms. An eyebot flew past but in a slow, lazy, manner. Shandy spoke. "There is no sign of a highschool here!" The teddybear spoke rapidly and with obvious concern. "That word is forbidden here. The first rule is 'We don't need no education!" Nobody seems to know 'who' came up with it but some think it may have been a 'doctor' of some kind!" The turned, to their right, to start along Vending Machine Lane. Soon they were joined by not four but six Robocops. It seemed that everything was not 'happy about Happyland' and there was a force of 36 cyborgs carrying not just big, holstered, Auto9C1 pistols but Auto9C2 carbines that they carried. The Elders were holding their meeting for the same reason while being protected by four Robocops and four SWATs along with other security efforts. A glowing infant shot past on a tricycle, moving with impressive speed along the path, while a teddybear clung onto him very tightly. Another infant soon followed after with a police helmet with a flashing blue light on top and a quite loud sounding siren; she was accompanied by a dolly constable complete with police whistle. Shimmy spoke. "There are few things that I had not before seen and that, I admit, was one of them!" The baby's teddy spoke. "Welcome to Happyland! It will not be your last such experience!"
  6. When Doom 1+2 were first out the word was wads, not mods, that made changes to, for example, the sprites. Simpsons figures, Doctor Who daleks and so on. Some wads were very extensive like one that recreated the Star Wars Death Star. You can google the wads to find them and to download them. Have fun!
  7. [4.3][0018] Further Ventures in that Most Terrible Highschool. Robocop-Cecil2121 blasted away with his massive pistol that destroyed horribly mutated former students. The Steel Players fought alongside him, unleashing a storm of firepower; bullets, rocket-bullets, laser beams, blaster pulses, minimissiles and of other kinds. The suffering, aggressive, creatures were of a wide array of shapes with multiple type features but a few were humanoid and still wearing some semblance of school uniforms. They kept on coming as if none of them really wanted to survive. They spat spines, whipped out extending tentacles, screamed unintelligible abuse if they could, three any item they could but mostly they had little to fight with. The very last, of them, died! The voice spoke from more than one wall speaker. "Thank you for mercy killing them! Steel Players meet Robocop-Cecil2121. He is a cyborg despite the name of 'Robocop'. He, and his like, were created in the industrial city of Detroit. The human sides, of them, were also clones adapted to being cyborgs except for one. Like so much else, the fate of most Robocops is unknown. Cecil serves me now as do three other Robocops but two need fixing." The Steel Players took the 'hint' and fixed up two Robocops and checked out all four of them. The four had been serving the US Federal Marshals out from Detroit by escorting a very dangerous criminal from Detroit to WashingtonDC. Doomsday had struck and the criminal had escaped them in all of the confusion. Tracking him to the school they had found him already gone on from there and had begun to serve the OneThreeMany. The US Federal Marshals organization had ceased to exist along with so much else of the USA. Shandy used a powerful Major Wishling, the only one that the Steel Players had of that ilk, and yet it triggered off more of a transformation that it could have carried out by itself. A yellow white flash of energies went through everybody and everybody; after that it spread further, penetrating more of the dreaded highschool.
  8. As a young teenager, traveling in a coastal ship along the West Australian Coast going north to south from Darwin to Perth I was able to play a coin operated video game the name of which I can not remember but it was a simple white maze, randomised with each game, that a player steered a basic white shape of a battletank around while fighting others like it. One could, from what I remember, play it as one person or as two people with a split screen view. That was in 1972!
  9. Notes in first post have been edited-extended, again, so I recommend that you take another look at them!
  10. Notes in first post have been edited-extended so I recommend that you take a look at them; now in exciting colouration.
  11. [4.2][0017] Further Ventures in that Most Terrible Highschool. (Direct continuation of post before this one) When the last item was placed into a small alcove, it being a NukaSnackie of chocolate wrapped crunchy peanut, there was a soft sparkling shimmer and all of the items vanished away. A voice spoke from a well hidden speaker. "Good, you have paid part of the price! Now fill up the alcoves again while the first door opens for you to go through. A new list of items will appear for you to use this time around. Through the now open, secret, door you will find much of interest but also... I will let you discover that for yourselves." A door opened as a wall panel opened in the alcoves chamber but not at the back where the alcove wall was. It showed a small, airlock like chamber, and on the floor were three print-out copies of the list. There was also an almost neat stack of nine books marked as three copies of the same trilogy being titled THE TRUE HISTORY OF A HORROR INSTITUTE; A FAKE SCHOOL! The author was noted by the initials AHW33 if it was just one author represented and not more than one. It was a clue in itself that a code had been used and not a genuine name or even a possibly fake one. Shandy, and two other Steel Players, entered the room! In long ago dried blood, preserved somehow, down one side wall was written the words: 'True madness has taken over, as predicted by those who could, who would, see what was truly going on such as the Blondies 13, the AI Supercomputer Helix151617Ajax, my people and three others that one will not mention fully; they are basically good, neutral and bad in turn with more than one special quality to them. I am dying but hope that I have done enough to help end this abhorrent stupidity.' The oddly well preserved body lay sprawled up against the wall beneath the writing of an elderly woman wearing typical scientific gear of the later half of the 21st Century. Her face had on it a serenely peaceful expression on it despite the faded scars that were also on it. Clutched in one hand was an advanced looking, perhaps prototype, laserpistol and she had a VaultTech like pipgirl on the forearm of her other arm. Pipgirls had arisen from pipboys when it was decided that pipgirls were needed for the female gender. Shandy spoke. "Very good performance but you can stop pretending to be dead now, biodroid!" The biodroid, biological android, opened her eyes and sat up. "So, you are not just typical adventurers!" Shandy shrugged. "What are typical adventurers? Do they come out of the few domeclaves, from Techshelters, or even the whispered of secret utopias of the SWIP (Super Wealthy Influential Powerful)?" The biodroid smiled. "I am Professor Alexia Sandris or at least that is my human name. I serve the OneThreeMany, which is a most interesting, sometimes fascinating, experience. You know of biodroids, indicating that you are at home with very advanced science and technologies." Shandy sighed. "More than you may ever know and biodroids, like yourself, are far from the most advanced scitech for us. The one that spoke to us, was that the OneThreeMany?" Alexia responded. "A sophisticated avatar, yes, but not directly so of the good-neutral-bad one. The blood writing, as you probably know, is not fake but was written by the brave, but unfortunate, Sageprofessor Hanz Heinz of the famous cans of baked beans, bottles of tomato sauce and much else of the like. That is his very wealthy family owned the majority of shares, especially voting shares, in the Heinz Corporation. The Umbcorp (Umbrella Corporation), TechCorps and others tried to get control of the corporation, in various ways, but failed for they had powerful allies and, perhaps, benefactors." That was when the sirens began to sound through a hidden speaker and the inner door went sliding open. Very soon, after that, there was fighting!
  12. I have more than one fave and banyan trees are definitely one of them.
  13. [4.1][0016] Further Ventures in that Most Terrible Highschool. In the small, hidden room, the Steel Players placed carefully chosen items into the small wall alcoves. A replica of Abraham Lincoln sitting on his big chair, the president who narrowly avoided being assassinated after the end of the First American Civil War. He had overseen, as the US President, the splitting of the USA into two Regional Governed Zones being the Northern and Southern ones. Perhaps he had realised that the 'north and south' had never really been united at the end of that civil war. After that the following were placed in proper order! A small replica of the sometimes controversial Statue of Common Liberty, with her one exposed breast and the musket rifle she held with its long spike shaped bayonet. A small replica of a MrHandy robot floating on fanjets, in theory as it was held up by a transparent stand piece, its manipulators holding caretaker tools as if it was ready to go fixing of various, small, problems in a building or even outdoors. One of the Republican State Building that was also in New York along with the Statue of Common Liberty. A figure that was Captain Leon Armstrong, the first astronaut to step onto the surface of the moon of Luna. He, and the other eight astronauts, got to the moon in an experimental atomic rocketship only to die early of cancer, all of them. A Zetan flying saucer being most likely a mildly inaccurate copy of one of their scout vessels. Marianne Monroe, the famous starlet of Hollywood movies, in the scene where her skirt blows up as she stands over a grate in the street. A power armoured mechanised infantry soldier of the Second American Civil War; the power armour was of an early kind being both fairly chunky and clumsy looking compared to later ones. Adolphis Hitler of the Nazi Axian Nations, the NAN with his famous mustache and beard of neatly trimmed appearance along with his ridiculously overdone military uniform. It was said that he wore that uniform, or one identical to it, on the day that he declared that Jews were not the 'real enemies of the NAN' but that mysterious alien infiltrators were along with others on his list of dangerous foes to be eradicated from existence; it was said that he changed, his view on Jews, when he learned that he was one of them. Lady Goodrider naked on her horse, with her dignity kept by her overly long hair, though the horse was wearing no clothes. A massive, modern, war airship able to fly at high altitude and showing the State Communist NSSR of Russia, Mongolia, China and some other republics; the NSSR was the New Soviet Socialist Republics that invaded Alaska decades after it was fully established. A NukaGirl figure on top of a NukaCola bottle; she was fairly scantily dressed but that was the norm for that character. So the process continued!
  14. [3.1][0015] Gamer Team Players of Steel in Safeumary. Shorey examined the decoded message and frowned. The Sanctumary's Sanctumaristate High Council of Security Matters had very recently issued a series of security decrees intended to seek out and deal with dangerous infiltrators of a yet unknown source. They were stated as being shapeshifters of varied degrees of threat. A few had surrendered to the Sanctumarian Security Keepers or just to private citizens of the Sanctumaristate. It seemed that they hated, and feared, those that they served but not willingly so as they described themselves as being mind-slaves; that slavery failed when they were in Sanctumary indicating that the mysterious Great Enemy had made a mistake of some kind or so it seemed to be. Part of the decoded message was a short list of five, rare, items needed to be sent to Sanctumary and a longer list of more common types, many of which had already been sent. Somehow it was no surprise that Batmanbot arrived in the company of See3pio who he was always protective of. See3pio had not really worked out to be of a great adventurer and Batmanbot brought the best out in him. So they were soon at work, as a team, in Safeumary. With a rising concern that shapeshifting infiltrators might have reached Safeumary, the pair began both helping to protect and teach children at a large, highly secured, teaching training centre. The students were of all ages and not just human. The two lived with Shorey and Shurly which made them both very happy. Frankison got on very well with the two robots, especially the childlike See3pio but that did not surprise anybody who knew anything much of them. Many others not only lived, but worked in, the very same high secured Steel Players Complex. The five androids, and five elementals, were there but soon two of each would be going to join the others at the terrible high school in WashingtonDC. Other changes were coming.
  15. Changed the last part of the previous post to the following to have it make it closer to what I was trying to convey. See3pio spoke. "Gosh, an inflatable sheep for children to play with!" Batmanbot sighed. "Maybe it is not for children to use, wonderful See3pio! I will try to explain later when we are alone together." Batmanbot had quite a lot of such conversations with See3pio! Shandy kissed See3pio and then did the same to Batmanbot; in response See3pio bounced up and down in mid air while Batmanbot froze for a few seconds with a big grin on his metallic face. The search, for clues, continued!
  16. [2.11][0014] Gamer Team Players of Steel Entering WashingtonDC. (Direct continuation of post before this one) News came that the five androids, and five elementals, of the Steel Players had joined the three robots, and two animals, that were in Safeumary; they brought others with them and some equipment-supplies. There was tension, in Sanctumary that the Steel Players could deepsense, when they were there, and they continued to keep contact with a few that were still there; some they did so with in a most discrete fashion. Clue #1 was a pamphlet gained from a free items dispenser of WashingtonDC paraphernalia of an interesting variety. The pamphlet, of the school, showed that large chamber and other features of as a 2D map but showed a curiously empty space behind the vending machines that was very large. It had other blank spaces and also different types of puzzling features. The dispenser was well away from the vending machines but still in the same chamber. They sent more items to Sanctumary that were multiplied by five being ones from both the vending machines and other sources. Clue #2 was the pattern of vending machines that had a empty wall space at the horizontal line of them. A secret door was unlocked and opened to slide upwards so as to reveal a small, cube shaped, chamber. There was a range of small, cube shaped, alcoves in the far wall that had softly glowing, glass like, floors that quickly proved to be active sensors. Beneath each alcove was a cryptic puzzle including a row of numbers plus mathematical symbols. A scouting group, of four, found a Dangerous Confiscated Property Chamber with five major areas; one was marked 'from staff', a second 'from students', a third 'from visitors', a fourth fourth was 'from miscellaneous' and the fifth was 'from unknown'. The great chamber was full of mostly organised items so all was sent to Safeumary multiplied twice. Because time passed twice, as fast, as it did in that gameworld, than it was hoped that those, there, might soon come up with some interesting discoveries. The school based team did study a catalogue from the DCPC and were amazed at what had been there and would soon enough be there again as respawning would take place for sure. Shandy frowned. "Enough weapons to wage a small war with, enough hard drugs to supply a moderate sized South American Cartel with, enough gold ingots to buy a small urban mansion estate full of luxury goods, enough computer gear to put together at least one very advanced supercomputer network, enough pornography to keep a whole town of perverts happy for a year, a great number of sex related items including contraceptives, enough fancy clothing-footwear..." Shandy shrugged. "Lingerie, highheel shoes and other such items that are not always intended for women to wear. Oh, let us not overlook the deluxe chocolates, wines, liqueurs, leather bound books etc. Then there are the torture devices, the assassination tools, children's toys, more jewelry and so much more." See3pio spoke. "Gosh, an inflatable sheep for children to play with!" Batmanbot sighed. "Maybe that it not for children to use, wonderful See3pio! I will try to explain later when we are alone together." Batmanbot had quite a lot of such conversations with See3pio! Shandy kissed See3pio and then did the same to Batmanbot; in response See3pio bounced up and down in mid air while Batmanbot froze for a few seconds with a big grin on his metallic face. The search, for clues, continued!
  17. [2.10][0013] Gamer Team Players of Steel Entering WashingtonDC. (Direct continuation of post before this one) Most of the items, gained from the vending machines, and other sources in the area, were sent on to Safeumary being multiplied only twice because of transdimensional factors. Vended items were lain out, in a careful pattern, on top of a large table. NukaCola items were of the same range as gained already from another vending machine. There was food-drink from a McYummy machine that kept up an annoying 'yummy yummy in my tummy' tune as they bought items from it. The small gifts were fairly expensive ones that one might give to school staff or even students; was it a supplier of some kind of bribery? The medicants were of a well known, useful, range that would be most valuable in the wastelands such as stimpaks, medX, radaway, toxaway and multiantidote to a number of venoms; question was why were they being being provided back before Doomsday took place? The publications were of biodegradable, recyclable, clonepaper being compact newsmags (news magazines), scientific journals, fiction books, nonfiction ones and a short selection of odd ones out. A glossy softporn magazine, with 3Dphotos, showed both men and women. It was called the Fleshpicks Magazine being an edition distributed just a few days before Doomsday. It did not take long to realize that the subjects were attractive 16-19 year old students from that school perhaps being exploited though there was no obvious evidence of it. One a person turned 16, in the former USA, they could be naked in a softporn sense but had to wait to be at least 20 to be in a hardporn one. Yet it was there, in that text, that clues were first found that presented a puzzle and the start to solving it. There were 13 figures, in the photographs, but not all were shown naked or getting to be so. There were three others, in the background, five males and five females making up the number '13'; this might not seem to be important but there was a symbolic precedent about that figure, especially so in certain contexts. Charles Le'Nerd frowned. "Could be three neuters, five females and five males that could be a balanced 13 pyramid pattern as with some types of clone13s." Shandy frowned softly at the man. "Could such be said to be 'revaulting'?" Charles sighed. "I couldn't help myself, really I couldn't! Anyway, no, just a possible lead. You know of my almost obsession with conspiracy theories." Shandy shook her head. "Take away the 'almost' and yes I do! Why display them in such a manner? Could it be a matter of hiding them in the open! They have many features in common, including the dressed neuters if that is what they are. They do not bulge, in their tight suits, in the right places to be either male or female. They were stereotypical in their blondness, tanned white skin and blue eyes being clearly very fit and likely very healthy. There is a strange, disturbing, quality about them that... I am picking up as in a lack of conscious, of a moral compass." Professor Sagesmart spoke with a frown on his face and in his voice. "The students, were they experimental clones or at least some of them. It would be a clever way to disguise so many of them being tested in this one place and could truly explain what was terribly wrong with at least a great number of them." Shandy frowned. "I suspect not just clone experimentation was linked to this place but other types as in Professor Frankenstein's research; according to Frankison they were not clones that his 'dad' worked with as he had worked on Frankison with." Then they found a small number of other, important, clues; it was an experience that was both chilling and yet exciting!
  18. [2.9][0012] Gamer Team Players of Steel Entering WashingtonDC. (Direct continuation of post before this one) Shurly, and Shorey, went to Demisanctumary Safeumary along with Frankison and some others from the dreaded school in WashingtonDC; that is other experimental subjects, including those in the statuscapsules that were moved with some difficulty, animals, plants, fungi, robots and a small number of basic androids. The three robots, and two animals, that had been stored away, were now active in the new halfway realm. Cybergirlie, MrCarryon and Trieyebot were there to meet the newcomers as were Amphibioto and Wingfastus the animals being five members of the Steel Players. The others, in that place that so many had hidden away for so long, were gone leaving 12 Steel Players behind. They explored more, of the hidden away area of the school that was turning out to be far more than just that. The vending machines area became their main base area with four remaining there while two teams, of four, explored. The three teams were always carefully chosen such as Batmanbot was always with See3pio at the 'home area'. A row, of respawning contents, vending-machines were still useful NukaCola ones but others giving food-drink along with small gifts, publications, VaultTech items and three more exotic types.The 'more exotic' type vending-machines were a one that sold one shot medicants, another that dealt with 'small, accurate, historical replicas' and the third that offered a range of experimental devices of later prototype production; that is they were, in theory, not yet in full production. To look over the vending-machines, in a closer fashion, was to realize that there was an odd pattern about the way they were arranged and in what they were vending. They began buying up every item on offer with only the 'semirandom' gift machines offering different items as selling went on. "Why VaultTech items?" Shandy sighed. "Why here in a place supposedly far removed from any of the Techvaults listed officially in DC such as TechvaultDC101, TechvaultDC106 and... ah yes.. TechvaultDC083." Charles Le'Nerd spoke with a tone of mild disgust. "True GECK Techvaults hidden behind false ones full of experimental victims, Techshelters full of TechCorp people and their cronies, Techbunkers ready to help conquer the world and what else, I wonder; its revaulting!" So they bought items like pipboys, laserpistols, vaultsuits, security body-armour sets, stunclubs, miniature vaultbots and other VaultTech items meant for use in a Techvault or other VaultTech built complexes.
  19. Note: have increased the font size, of all past posts, to 18,000 1,800 180 18 for greater readability. You might want to take another look at them, especially the first post as I have done some more editing adding to it.
  20. Changed following sentence, in previous post, from another. 'The 50cm high wide cubecanister appeared with a soft shimmering as it their gaming patrons-benefactors were pleased by what they had done so far but also wished to assist them in further ventures; the 10 special items consisted of two notepadcomps (notepad computers) holding extensive data, two teleport beacons, two minireplicators, two regenerators and two hidden ones, plus secured, in small boxes.'
  21. [2.8][0011] Gamer Team Players of Steel Entering WashingtonDC. (Direct continuation of post before this one) Frankison had given the false impression of there being only a very few lifeforms either inside or outside of statuscapsules. A row, of respawning contents, vending-machines were not just NukaCola ones but others giving food-drink along with semirandom lists of small gifts, publications, VaultTech items and three more exotic types. Humans were there with general, physical and mental, enhancements. They were considered to be mild impact experimental subjects along with others and there were also moderate and heavy impact ones, the last often being in statuscapsules sometimes being big enough to hold more than one. There were also animals such as cats, dogs, lizards, birds and fish in big aquarium tanks. In long plant beds were a variety of plants some offering food or herbs-spices. Crops, of fungi, were also grown being mostly mushrooms. Sandris, an enhanced woman, was in a white jumpsuit and she was hairless with purple skin but green eyes. "Frankenstein colour coded us enhanced humans so we stood apart from non gen ones and those whose nature was influenced by the FEV. There are other statuscapsules with such humans in them along with others; they were captured trying to infiltrate into the school and put into statuscapsules. Before anything could be done to them, Doomsday struck! We enhanced humans only came to here to live after Doomsday took place. Frankison told us about the other statuscapsules but has only been there once, with his 'Frankidad' centuries ago so he can not remember how to get back there. He has told us that there were placed dangerous safeguards to keep others from going there and he has no solid reason to lie about it. You know, I have always wanted to be a paperback writer; of novels, that is!" Shandy smiled sweetly, of course. "What a wonderful ambition! You could still become one if we send you to a place called Sanctumary but you have to admit to be shapeshifters, or at least those of you who are have to do so." Sandris sighed. "Purple skin means one is a shapeshifter but it somehow would not surprise me if you knew what I am with knowing about the colour coding." Shandy nodded. "We will send you to Sanctumary where you will be placed into security quarantine as probationary citizens. We will send all including those in the statuscapsules along with those in them. There you can write, and publish, your paperback novels. Now, I have some questions for you!" Shorey found the bookshelf full of Predoomsday paperbacks and a single one marked 'How to Write a Paperback Novel'. Inside that they found a coded set of data disguised as a 'poor example of writing' and a hidden map of part of the research development centre. It turned out easier, and best, to send all to the 'half way place' and that two of the SQuins would go with them being Shorey and Shurly! Others would be coming, from that same location, to replace the two women.
  22. [2.7][0010] Gamer Team Players of Steel Entering WashingtonDC. (Direct continuation of post before this one) It was a laboratory with elements of horror house and torture dungeon. The experiments, on students, had clearly been of the malignant kind with the testing of strange drugs, dubious genetic engineering and odd variants of the FEV plus other projects. The skeletal remains, of long dead experimental subjects, were seen to have been inside capsules, strapped to steel tables or submerged in now, often, empty tanks. Only a couple were filled with such as stagnant water or other fluids. There were indications of past violence as in smashed furniture, and fittings, which was saying much for they tended to be made of steel. Perhaps more than one creature had escaped. The SP14 spread out, but not too much, with everybody being in close pairs. Scientific devices were gathered up, along with other useful items, and sent to Sanctumary being multiplied by two. Analytical work was done on some of the liquids, remaining in tanks, and were discovered to be of appalling nature except for where there had been clean water. They found the patchwork fleshgolem squatting next to a NukaCola vending-machine drinking a cold bottle of NukaCola Original. Of course he fell in love with the SQuins at once and was soon being fussed over by Shurly who used NukaCola vendor vouchers to pay for NukaBars, NukaChips and NukaCoffee for the big, scarred, micrstitched up one. Some of the Steel Players got also had their share. He spoke with a odd gruff, rough, voice. "Professor Frankenstein made me to help him in the laboratory and to protect him against escaped creatures. Then everything went mad, bad and sad so he ran away, with his others, leaving me and others like me behind. This is a good vending machine for it becomes full up every so often and there are always prizecaps, coins, cards and vouchers around somewhere." Emergency Issue Dollars, and Cents, had been issued as coins and dollars, only, as cards. EIDCs had proven to remain one of the best currencies since Doomsday along with redeemable prizecaps and voucher cards. Otherwise there were just a varied range of tradegoods at varied values. His name was Frankison and he had not left the immediate research development area since he was created. It had not been good there but was better when the professor realised he was not a very reliable laboratory worker being too easily upset by what was going on there. So he got to spend his time in a quieter area along with experimental subjects that the professor had allowed to live in the same place. They were still there though a few were in status capsules. Frankison spoke with a solemn tone of voice. "Frankidad said that he, and others like him, were monstrous in their ways but were fighting to deal with 'something' far darker and more dangerous than themselves that permeated the very core of this world from the first moment of its existence. He said not many words like that so I was surprised by them. Frankidad said it was best if I do not go with him, for my own sake, when he left in a hurry for he and his colleagues were in danger. He said 'something' about going to join the 'TriquaInstitute based in New Britain and New Hampshire." They went off to meet his friends and pets!
  23. Have done some necessary editing with past posts; numbers needed to be adjusted, in some cases, and small-important changes made to numbers. Main number, of Steel Players, is 30 with 20, in theory, being in the gameworld and 10 in the Sanctumary. Except that, of the '20' there are six stored away in an exotic fashion because they can not be comfortably useful at the time. So '14' are busy in the gameworld. Had to change the above again with 15 becoming 14 actives and five becoming six being stored away.
  24. [2.6][0009] Gamer Team Players of Steel Entering WashingtonDC. (Direct continuation of post before this one) Along a wide hallway they came in a threatening mass but they made good targets! Shimmy fired her laserpistol that drilled a neat hole into a radghouler's head so that it died at once. Even as it collapsed, the shriveled up corpse like entity began to crumble as natural laws caught up with its unnatural state of preservation. Radghoulers were savage, uncontrollable, types of radghouls of which radghoulmans were the most like humans. More, radghoulified, students came shrieking at the SP15 as bullets, laser beams and shotgun slugs wiped them out. Dogmet did not seem to keen to bite any of the radghoulers, that looked rotten and stank awful but he staid close to Shimmy and brave growled at them while she kept telling him how wonderfully courageous he was. The SQuins looked upon the targets with obvious sadness while other shooters were keenly killing the threat off. Professor Sagesmart studied the oncoming creatures with a frown, pausing now and then to kill one with his large, powerful, autopistol (automatic pistol) but doing so using single shot mode. "Their movements show that they are somehow being guided if not totally controlled." A small, metallic, sphere fell out of a decaying radghouler's head and rolled across the floor until it hit a wall and soon came to a stop. Rattanboy shook his head. "Nasty way to treat even such creatures as radghoulers." Shurly sighed. "Poor things!" and then hurled a fragmentation hand grenade over the front of the radghoul crowd; there was an explosion that destroyed many a radghouler. "I would rather throw cupcakes at them." Stanley, the cyborg gorilla, spoke for once and with obvious excitement. "Cupcakes, yum!" Shurly laughed softly. "Stanley, I will get you some cupcakes as soon as I can." Then the last radghouler was killed and no more of them came from a far off bend in the hallway. From decaying radghoulers came the brainballs, bits of cloth, loose coins, plastic smartcards , wrapped lollies, rings and more. Some were IDkeycards that would soon prove useful in getting through secured doors just as past gained ones had. Some carefully tubed cigarettes proved not to be made up of tobacco. After the secret door had hummed open, they had followed the hallway for sometime only to find small sidechambers such as janitor closets, small panic rooms and secondary security stations. They had managed to send of three lots, of minor goodies, to Sanctumary; in turn they had been multiplied by two, three and four; the items would be respawned. Batmanbot spoke while managing a tone of irony. "We have picked up a truly amazing number of weapons from what is a school. I suspect there are police stations, in DC, that have far fewer guns in them." The overly muscular Machomuch sighed. "We have only just begun to explore this establishment so what else will we find? The mind boggles to think what we might discover!"
  25. [2.5][0008] Gamer Team Players of Steel Entering WashingtonDC. (Direct continuation of post before this one) Heavy security robots had been brought into action, along with HTS in power armour, but the hounds were not there as it seemed that they had begun to be overwhelmed by what had started to take place in that twisted excuse for a school; normal staff had been withdrawn, as tough and experienced as they had been, along with the best of the students though that was not saying much. Heavy security androids, remote guided drones, teaching robots, machinegun turrets and much else had replaced the old. Something was bubbling up from the deep depths below the school, to the secret basement research centre where dreadful experimentation had been carried out on students and other lifeforms but why there and what was the basis of those projects? One, of the fake lipstick devices, directed them to where a heavily secured security outpost was located; they found useful equipment-supplies there including some special tech. So it was they sent robots, drones, androids, weapons, tools, instruments, related items to those, medical kits, suits of light power armour, canned food-drink, NukaCola Original, NukaCoffee, glossy 3D magazines, school propaganda stuff, manuals, books and more to the Sanctumary. All was multiplied by three by the time it got to its destination. A big wall locker hummed as it shifted to one side; revealed was a set of elevator doors. Perhaps they would have been careful in trying to get the doors to open but a large hole had already been lasered through them both, at the center where they met. There was no elevator room but a death trap that had long ago been activated and destroyed but by who-what, how and why? Shimmy sighed. "Somebody really wanted to get into here, very badly!" Sherry nodded. "They knew what they were doing and probably did this kind of task before." A dead SWATT (Special Weapons Armour Tech Trooper) lay on the floor in assault power armour. Useful items had been taken but the Steel Players 14 sent what remained to Sanctuary. They doubted that the paramilitary trooper would have any useful information on him for that would have been unwise when it came to security; he had probably been serving on a 'need to know basis' as they all would have been. It was multiplied by four! Knowing that it would be respawned, they sent some other items to Sanctumary that multiplied by four. Professor Sagesmart was looking at some writing smeared onto a wall with long dried blood. "That is a truly ancient language forbidden for any scholars to research except those given permission to do so by the Ivory Tower Elites Council, the ITEC. Still, few took them seriously so that did not matter much; there were more powerful agencies that kept people away from the deeply underground, long abandoned, alien cities of the VeryOldOnes who were like the OldOnes but more ancient. The VeryOldOnes thought that the OldOnes were young upstarts and the OldOnes considered the VeryOldOnes to be decrepit plus fixed in their ways. As for the YoungOnes, they had long migrated to the British Isles being considered, by the others, to be rebellious misfits. I used to go to ITEC conferences for the free, good quality, food-drink and drunken antics of the old fools that were very entertaining." Shurly sighed. "That is not very nice, of you, professor but still it sounds inviting. Maybe, one day, you will tell us what you were really doing there." Shorey, who did not normally speak much, said nothing but pointed to a bare area, of wall, away from the obvious door that seemed to be the only viable exit except for going back the way that they had come from. Yes, it turned out to be a secret door that they soon had humming softly to one side.
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