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Hey guys sorry but I forgot 2 add the 2nd scene of my script. :wallbash:




Scene 2 (Sam’s house)

The scene opens with Sam on his way out of the door, when his mother stops him suddenly.


Mom: Where the hell do you think your going?


Sam: To a party remember… I told you… Its just you were to drunk to remember it.


Mom: Don’t you use that tone with me young man!


Sam: What tone this is my normal voice.


Mom: If your father was here…


Sam: Yeah Well HE’S NOT HERE NOW IS HE? I didn’t think so because he’s dead! Now if you’ll excuse me I have a party to go to!




Sam: Just watch me.


Sam walks out of the door and gets into his car on his way to the party a flash back kicks in about how his dad died.


6 months ago


Dad: So you ready for some male bonding son?


Sam Ha ha ha ha, sure whatever Dad… I’m just glad I finally got out of girl bonding time with Jesse and her friends.


Dad: Ha, I remember when I had to go with your mother.


Sam: Just stop right their please.


Dad: Why you don’t want to hear about how hot your mom was.


Sam: Ya know I love the placement of the was in that sentence.


Dad: Well your mom is still pretty hot.


Sam: See this is why I didn’t want to get into this conversation.


Dad: Fair enough.


Sam: So what are we goin’ to do?


Dad: Well I don’t know… How about a movie.


Sam: What’s out right know?

(Suddenly a car pulls out in front of them. Sam crashes into it and the car behind him hits as well. The roof of his car flies off. The flashback ends and we go back to Sam sitting in his car. He stairs at the steering wheel for a little bit then starts the car and drives off.)

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  • 2 months later...

Like it!


There is one way to add in left out stuff but it is tricky. You make a new post and start cutting and pasting from the last post before that, moving each cut and pasted bit of writing along one post. Then at last, hopefully, you have an empty earlier post to put the missed out stuff into. Too bad one can't easily change the dates. Tricky and boring but it works.


Again, like the dialogue!

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