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A question for the Ladies


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Would have to say... For males, somewhat muscular without overdoing it. No He-Man or Conan The Barbarian types please. More like a light to middleweight boxer or so, imo. Something that seems realistic and sexy, without going overboard.


For females, realistic body shape. More hips, thighs, tummy. If you've got bigger boobs, you need the body to go with it! I do appreciate breasts, but not watermelons/basketballs with nipples attached, especially on superskinny frames (back trouble much?). B-D is about my limit there.


Also, must agree on Tilly > Diaz. Represents real women more, imo.


And if it matters for some reason, I'm a bisexual male who appreciates both sexes equally. I figure that's about as unbiased an opinion as you're going to get.

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That is the kind of response that I am looking for. I see all these body mods made mostly by males. Each new body seems to get more and more anorexic. Add a little to the texture and you've got Jews in a concentration camp. I mean no harm by that comment it's just that these body types are getting ridiculous. What I'm trying to figure out is what body types women would make if more women modeled for Oblivion. I read a comment where a woman requested " Make me fat" in the thread she asked if anyone could make a body that was a little bit bigger. She wanted her PC to have her size.


Men's magazines usually have women with a little shape to them while woman's magazines display impossibly skinny women, is that what women really want? Is that what they want in a game as well?

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What would you like to see in a male body re placer?



I think the bodies by Robert are very well done- I know that there is more than one version.


What would you like to see in a female body re placer?



Female body replacers are a bit more difficult. I can't use any of them with the Dolly Parton bust.. ! There are several great female replacers out there- I use the ones with lots of clothes/ armour. At the present I am using Exnems-with the smaller version bust.




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A women should have curves, and a great example was Marilyn Monroe. She was not a slender woman. Yet, she was the biggest sex symble of her era, and by todays standards she would be considered over-weight.





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What got me hooked on this game, well, okay, the rideable horses hooked me, but what kept me going was completing the first couple quests and having Martin -- yes, Martin!, channelling Sean Bean, say, "I couldn't have done it without you." Want me to go risk life and limb on another tedious quest to get you another stupid artifact? Just say so, Martin! So, there you go, a shy monk with a sexy voice, saying how wonderful I am! I'd like more of that, lots more of that!


I guess I'm really saying: Sean Bean. Yeah, I wanted to be Frodo in that scene. I would have given him the damn ring.


A lot of the modded bodies both male and female look like Japanese anime, which clashes with the overall Oblivion style. They're not just too thin, but pre-pubescent, with oversized breasts or muscles glued on. Ick! But maybe I'm just showing my age. I prefer the standard Oblivion bodies/faces/races. They're fine.


I'm playing with the companion mod Stoker Wolf, for example. Really disliked his face/hair, but I love his dialogue/voice/character, so he's grown on me. Am I just imagining it or is he bulking up as we go along? I still wish he was older and more masculine (not bigger, just not such a girlish face), with short or shaved hair. But I love how he says, "damn it" when we're attacked.


So glad you care about women's opinions!

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A women should have curves, and a great example was Marilyn Monroe. She was not a slender woman. Yet, she was the biggest sex symble of her era, and by todays standards she would be considered over-weight.


I agree with that and even though I didn't like her voice or her dumb blond persona, I do think she was beautiful.



but what kept me going was completing the first couple quests and having Martin -- yes, Martin!, channelling Sean Bean, say, "I couldn't have done it without you." Want me to go risk life and limb on another tedious quest to get you another stupid artifact? Just say so, Martin! So, there you go, a shy monk with a sexy voice, saying how wonderful I am! I'd like more of that, lots more of that!


So you are saying that the voice and the characters personality are more important than their looks?


I am working on a mod that I hope will be exciting for everyone and also a challenge but I want it to appeal to women as well. I think having a character modeled after someone like Hugh Jackman would appeal to the ladies without damaging the mod for the guys. I want the NPC's in my mod to have much more depth than the NPC's in Tamriel. I don't plan to have as many quests as in Cyrodiil but while going through the main quest, the player should have choices. The choice you make will effect others in the mod. You may find a man trapped in a cave by a bear. You can save him or leave him. Save him and you make friends with his clan but anger his enemies. I hope to add new body mods for my mod, that is the reason for this thread. I want to know what women would want because guy's just want a skinny girl with big boobs.


What type of NPC would get your attention?

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"I'm playing with the companion mod Stoker Wolf, for example. Really disliked his face/hair, but I love his dialogue/voice/character, so he's grown on me.... I still wish he was older and more masculine (not bigger, just not such a girlish face), with short or shaved hair."


You could probably age him in the construction set, and maybe change hair length as well. I know that shavn/sulteric's other companion mod, Viconia Devir, can be aged (not that I would!), and hair colour, but not length, can be altered as well.


Regarding the original subject of the thread, I'd go for the curvy Marilyn look as well, but a little more athletic and less flab. I'm no fan of in-game giant boobs, but each to his/her own is what I always say ;)

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Viconia Devir, can be aged (not that I would!), and hair colour, but not length, can be altered as well.


For most custom hairs, hair length is fixed. So, changing hair style itself is the only way.


For me? I'm not a fan of big breasts(you may not want to live with giant balls weighing several kilograms hanging on your shoulders 24/7), though E-cup breast on HGEC EBE doesn't look much unnatural. And, of course, my girls need some muscles to equip heavy armors and claymore. Not some bodybuilder-looking, but looking athletic enough.

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I want the NPC's in my mod to have much more depth than the NPC's in Tamriel. I don't plan to have as many quests as in Cyrodiil but while going through the main quest, the player should have choices. The choice you make will effect others in the mod. You may find a man trapped in a cave by a bear. You can save him or leave him. Save him and you make friends with his clan but anger his enemies.

This sounds amazing. Always wanted more consequences (both good and bad) for doing the "right" thing, instead of doing them just for the gold reward. Save him, and you gain new friends, as well as dangerous enemies. Don't save him, and well, you gain neither. Maybe he will survive the attack, but lose some functionality in his body from his wounds, which makes him carry a grudge against you for it, impacting a later quest. Maybe not, as that seems kinda hard to program into mod. Anyway, important thing is, you'd think about the consequences to doing things, instead of just leaping right in. Decisions! Decisions add replayability, and replayability is always good.


What type of NPC would get your attention?

NPCs should be engaging. Make us care about them and what they have to say, give them each their own personality, especially quest-giving NPCs. I would like to understand their motivation behind their quests, and for their relationship with others. Don't want to do Fedex Quest #581 for Bald Guy Whose Name I Can't Remember 'Cause He's Boring And Blends In With The Other Bald Guys With Boring Quests. Some will always stand out more than others, but that's perfectly fine too. After all, trying to make every single NPC unique in a game with as many NPCs as Oblivion has is a rough job. They can't all be as special as Mr. Redheaded, One-legged Drunken Pirate With A Lisp.


As far as looks go, everyone likes attractive NPCs. Some should be less attractive than others, obviously. Oh, and don't feel the need to make villains obvious by making them heinously unattractive. Always has annoyed me. "That guy's ugly as sin, he's obviously a bad guy." It's alright if it fits the storyline, like say if he was scarred when young during a sequence of events that led to him becoming the villain he is today, but not if there's no reasoning behind it other than "bad guy lulz".

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