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Text replacement

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Is there any difference between Skyrim and Fallout4 in using aliases in messages i.e.


to insert the name of the reference alias?

I have the quest chosen in the message dialogue and the alias has 'stores text' etc.


I know the reference is being filled from debug messages, but the messagebox still displays [...] where the name should be.



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May depend on a particular object sometimes. For example, i have a mod which introduces settlers names, and when a named settler is used by a label message with regular <Alias=alias_name> statement, then his name appears as [...].


Might try <Alias.CurrentName=alias_name> .

Edited by hereami
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Is the "Run Once" flag on the Quest Data tab unchecked? I don't know why but it sometimes does the trick for messages which are supposed to display names of alias references..


Did you add the alias to the quest before you first loaded the mod? As far as I remember, the save game needs to have uninitialized quest instance data for text replacements.

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