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April Fools Day


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(This is a story my sister wrote, and I'm putting it up here for her)



April Fools Day


The chair is bolted to the floor, I look around wildly, desperate for a way out. The room fills slowly with cool, clear water. I tug, yell, twist, cry, shout until my lungs ache. But the blue ribbons of silk around my wrists and ankles bind me down, it's the same silk his girlfriend once used to hang a ring he gave her about her neck.

Panic. Fear. The water rises.

I slump in the seat, tears of fear fill my eyes. Suddenly a spark, and idea. The bracelet! Use the bracelet, I curve my hand up and feel my wrist, it's still there! I cry out in relief. It's just a thin chain with a horse hoof charm on it, it was cheap and crudely made so the inside of the U shape was always sharp.

The water is at my waist.

I hook my fingers around the chain and pull - the chain snaps. I panic and lunge backward, to try to catch the hoof as it hits the water, and the chair tips. I scream as I crash into the water. The chest high liquid engulfs me and all that comes out of my mouth is an explosion of bubbles.

I can see a wavy light above me, distorted by the water. I need air, my lungs start to protest. I struggle on to my stomach and thrash about, trying to snap my binds. The need for air is overruling everything else. Thrash, thrash, thrash, a torrent of bubbles surround me. Then -

SNAP! I can barely hear it above my own screams. My lungs shriek for oxygen. I swivel around and find one of the legs of the chair has broken off. An idea. I wriggle about in the water until I am balancing on one leg, Oxygen, Air, Oxygen, Air, it is a chant going round and round my head. I kick up, my head snaps through the surface and I suck warm, stale air into my lungs.

I fall back into the water, I bounce up again, drink in more air. I start to half hop, half swim over to the side. I smash my body against the wall, then again. Again and again I crash into wall until:

CRACK! I twist around and find I can stand. The chair has broken! I'm still strapped to the wood, but can move freely. The water is nearly at the ceiling, if it reaches the roof, I'm dead. I glance madly around and see it. A switch, high up, on the opposite wall, I swim over.

I force myself down, until I can feel the ground beneath my feet. I push my legs up and fly out the water, I scramble in mid-air against the wall, and fall back into the water, again I force may weight out the deathly cold water and scrabble at the switch, my fingers make contact with the rubber handle, but before I can get a proper grip, my weight pulls me back to earth and it slips out my hands. Once more I drop into the water and shoot up, I grab the handle with both hands and I feel it cluck as it starts to trundle downwards, I hear a deafening crunch., then silence. I'm free!

An April fools prank. I, as the result of an April fools joke gone wrong, got him dumped by his girlfriend. He, as revenge for me getting him dumped, tried to kill me.

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Wow! This is really good! The sequence and the specific use of events seems like this could quite possibly happen. :thumbsup:


Maybe I should not try anything next April Fool's day. :whistling:

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