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A quick review of SE from a long time user of LE

Guest deleted2027229

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Guest deleted2027229

So I finally gave SE/AE a decent try, and here's a quick summary...



1) having to sort your mods from within the game. Why remove the external launcher?

2) bethesda advertising CC on the main menu.. ugh.

3) no 4x3 aspect ratio option

4) fishing was complete garbage. it might as well be a cutscene given such little involvement from the player. Not only that, but they force another sidequest. Can't a guy just fish without turning it into a quest?

5) washed out colours. LE is much more grittier and atmospheric.

6) sprinting is now toggled rather than hold-to.... which idiot at bethesda thought this would be a good idea?



1) survival mode was done really well and fits perfectly with the game

2) the awful eye adaptation from LE has been pretty much removed which was a good decision

3) 60fps loading screens..... a small ini tweak fixed this on LE, but it's still good to have as default


I'm not going to comment on the graphic or engine improvements as they are obvious. But aside from those few likes, I'm not a fan of the SE and will stick to oldrim. The dealbreakers are having no external launcher or 4x3 aspect ratio option.

Edited by WanderRA
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