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Creepiest thing that happened to you?


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Scariest thing mm... i havent had much experience on fallout 3 but it was in a museuem i was wearing the ghoul mask wondering what the "RAAAAAHHH" and shooting was i went into the next room ( it was a corridor) i find about 10 ferals and 4 roamers dont know why there were so many >.< ghouls the turrets shooting i destroy the turret kill the ghouls for fun then i stand on one of the body and "RAAAAHH!!!" turn around and like 4 glowing ones and 3 reavers are charging up the corridor i was screaming so paused it and loaded but all my loads were gone D: then in died :P
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I was going through Vault 112 and A SKELETON POPPED OUT. Wait, nevermind. That's normal.
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When I was playing through the metro tunnels around 2:30 in the morning, a freaking molerat snuck up behind me and I nearly jumped out of my seat. I can tolerate ghouls, deathclaws, and even mirelurks in the dark, but those molerats scare the living s*** out of me.
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Those darn nightghouls...

They come out of freaking no where in a massive wave. My lvl 2 character never stood a chance... :'(


Did you not read my post of my level 3 character fighting a death claw at the Super Duper Mart? That was insane, and yet I still survived, but only because I had a frag gernade, just a single one, that crippled his legs, oh and luck, yeah that played a huge role. But your case is rare too; must have been a freak glitch or something. Seems to me nature is getting more restless. :unsure:

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I was in the Dupont Circle area, making my way to the Dry Sewer Entrance to gain access to the Our Lady Hospital. I knew from previous playthroughs that Super Mutants would be battling Talon Company Mercs. I also recalled that 2 Talon Mercs would be patrolling the first stairwell. But this time my sneaking skill was maxed out, so I thought I could easily get into a good position to snipe the two mercs. I hugged the wall as I inched my way to the stairs. I kept close tabs on my compass for the red ticks and on the Hidden message at the top of my HUD. Then all of sudden one of the mercs -still out of sight- said a single "Hello". My heart skipped a beat, but I was still Hidden. Apparently the two mercs met and one decided to say Hi to the other.


With the same sneaking skill I went to Takoma Park. As I exited the subway into the actual Park area, I knew I could expect some green uglies coming my way. Even though they never saw me, one of them still fired his missiles into the car wrecks that were piled together. As I wondered why the heck he'd fired his weapon if they hadn't spotted me, cars starting blowing up and I was lucky I make it a standard policy to save prior to transition and -whenever possible- after transition. A reload was necessary.


Being over Level 20, I started encountering these Albino Radscorpions -which requires Broken Steel I think, or some other DLC. Luckily I had picked up my "BB Gun of Navarone", which fires BaByNukes. Although the AP cost lets me only rack up one shot in VATS, if it hits, it's Bye-Bye Big Boss. Also works wonders on those Mutant Overlords. If you miss though, you don't have enough AP to enter VATS again. And squeezing of a BaByNuke while back-pedalling from an angry Albino Radscropion usually ends in a mushroomcloud demise for my character. (As an aside: BB Gun of Navarone is no longer in the Download Database. Hell, you only get 25 BabyNukes for the entire game -unless you cheat of course.)


Another scary moment was when I decapitated a raider -with a gun, I still don't get that BTW- and as I went crept closer to the headless body to loot it, the head rolled back into my line of vision. In a fear reflex I bashed my left mouse button and left of a burst of fire. Then it dawned on me what it was and that you don't need to fear a loose head.


In the Corvega Building I was happily annihilating Giant Ants.When I crept back up some stairs to some higher level room where I'd already popped two ants I was freaked out by an ant that was sitting just around the corner -but it was only a head. As I swerved around it, there was no body attached to it. But it was sitting completely upright,staring me down.


Sometimes I manage to surprise a raider, sitting on a chair against a wall. I pop his head and he remains seated in the same nonchalant pose, with his head missing; alright, that's not creepy -but it could be if I revisit the area after a while and try to take this raider out -again.


That's it for now.

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Did you not read my post of my level 3 character fighting a death claw at the Super Duper Mart? That was insane, and yet I still survived, but only because I had a frag gernade, just a single one, that crippled his legs, oh and luck, yeah that played a huge role. But your case is rare too; must have been a freak glitch or something. Seems to me nature is getting more restless. :unsure:


I just had an idea for MMM.

Death Claw Rampage.

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"Did you not read my post of my level 3 character fighting a death claw at the Super Duper Mart"


The Deathclaw is a random encounter and is usually already injured when you meet him. I have met him early too and it does scare the crap out you but he was under 1/2 health and chasing someone else so it wasn't too hard to take it down.

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Did you not read my post of my level 3 character fighting a death claw at the Super Duper Mart? That was insane, and yet I still survived, but only because I had a frag gernade, just a single one, that crippled his legs, oh and luck, yeah that played a huge role. But your case is rare too; must have been a freak glitch or something. Seems to me nature is getting more restless. :unsure:


I just had an idea for MMM.

Death Claw Rampage.


I'm scared. :biggrin:

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