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Modding Basics


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Hi, I'm new to modding on PC (Steam) and I'm looking for the basics for modding Fallout 4. Done it on Xbox, but that's pretty automatic. I just need to know what folder to put the RAR file, or w/e, into. I just want to add a mod or 2.


- I do have modding ideas, but that's for later.


-- Thanks to all the helpful people.

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Download, and install Vortex. The archive (.rar, or .7z, or .zip etc, has to be extracted, and fora fair few mods, that is a non-trivial procedure....) There is an option to add mod from file in vortex, point it at where the archive is, and vortex will handle the hard work. Be sure to 'deploy' the mod before starting the game though. :D

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The Basics.

1) Get a mod manager - install all your mods through that. I'd recommend trying both Vortex and Mod Organizer 2 and seeing which you prefer.

2) Get the CORE mods that improve and stabilize the game - without adding new content or changing existing content:

a) F4SE (used to run the game though the mod manager with - provided advanced scripting support mods like Buffout 4 require)

b) xSE PluginPreloader F4 (required by the next mod)

c) Address Library for F4SE plugins (allows mods to adapt to changes in F4SE versions without requiring a recompile of the mod)

c) Buffout 4 (fixes engine level bugs - requires a,b and c above)

d) BethINI (for optimizing your .INI files).

e) Mod Configuration Menu (allows mods to be configured in game - absolutely essential)

f) Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch (comprehensive bug fixer)


That should help you have a much more stable base to add content mods to.


After that, it's all about what floats your boat.

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