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Question about the Far Object LOD Improvement Project...


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I'm new to modding. Learning LOD stuff. I just generated everything per instructions off of this link:




Why was the second box not processed? The SanctuaryHillsWorld?


Is it because the mod author recommends installing this?




which, I think, is a LOD specific for Sanctuary Hills?


I didn't process that second box. Should I?


Lastly, I have generated these files in the output folder of xLODGen which is outside the game directory. This is the only thing I did against the immediate directions. Do I just leave it there? Or do I need to copy these loose files into the....{directory}\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ folder? Within their respective mesh and texture subfolders of course.


I don't plan on combining them into BA2 files until I test them out first. This will be yet another new skill to learn so one thing at a time :wink:.


Thanks for you help!

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