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Good Screenshot starwars, Nice to have some up there other than the sword and the banner!


Also guys sorry but i wont be meeting the deadline of trailer finished today, should be done some time next week.


:thanks: more on the way

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Are those screenshots fuzzy, or is it too hot in here :)

Could you compare them starwarsfreak? Do they loose quality?

I looks like they all have closed their eyes... :huh:


Otherwise use a converter or send them over for me..(the original ones) I think that paint is making them ugly :D


anyway.. about the comments...somehow it became an active place??


I still didn't get any answer about that sword.....

Do we go for that one, or a dagger version?


btw I'll upload the original pic...that one is too small :)


Next to that.. I had a little mod for a friend, but because of the lack of time...I quite quit with it..

But it had some armor, from the hidden armors of oblivion/(not used ones..)

Tell me if we should use it or not..


Lets say we only should use it for females...the male one could be called..strange...

(the left one is the same, but it seems to go blueish in the rain... :P)



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the sword in the right picture looks best.




Progress update vicICE? roughly how far do you think you are in the main bulk of the mod?


P.S Starwars, type tm into the console to get rid of the hud(health bars etc) when your done type it in again otherwise you can kiss your pause menu goodbye.

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Its the same person :D. The left one is in the game-wrold (now shadows..etc) right one is the one you see inside your menu....



Hmm 1/2 ? I fixed most problems.. I'm still reading myself into the lore to get a good picture about the amulet..

I wanted to create some things in blender/3dsmax but I seem to have some trouble with nifs....

Don't worry about the 1/2 part... it was about 2/3 of the difficult parts...

But I will be more active from thursday..then things will speed up quite fast...

I hope to have 3/4 by the weekend...


Any thing about the armor? Otherwise I'm going to release that little mod..if we're not going to use it....

I will show the full set of armors in a minute....(5 min)

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guys in ANother topic somebody had the idea to make a questline for KOTN after the original one, so lets discus this now and also we should discuss sancre tor rebuilt

the armor is perfect for the egmessenegers

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No we should not...

I want to finish this mod before we're getting new ideas again..

We already got loads of them..It would be unwise to get even more of them right now.

Although I love to see some KOTN, not now.... (Been following that topic as well ;) )

same for Sancre Tor...


We need to focus on the first release...and the things we already had for options..

You could cancel some old additions for these, but not add them.. We got too much to do right now...


Where is the updated version of all optional plugins actually??

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No we should not...

I want to finish this mod before we're getting new ideas again..

We already got loads of them..It would be unwise to get even more of them right now.

Although I love to see some KOTN, not now.... (Been following that topic as well ;) )

same for Sancre Tor...


We need to focus on the first release...and the things we already had for options..

You could cancel some old additions for these, but not add them.. We got too much to do right now...

lets scrap the count plot thing and vicei can you give a list with all ideas so we can vote what we are gonna use

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