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No, its an option...not a part of the main mod.. so you'll have less to no trouble with that...

If you want to play that plugin, you would have to however...

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Ladies and Gentlemen


Ive toiled for a very long time over this, it might not be amaziing or even great but im damn proud of it.....


The Trailer is here!


What do you think? Im proud of it but that might just be because its my first video


also really? 4.9% lol

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Hmm. Slawter, that's the Movie Maker project file, right? We can't watch that, 'cause we don't have the video files. You'll have to export it in a video file (WMV, AVI etc.). Just enter Movie Maker, load your project and click "File". There should be a "Create video file" (or something like that) option. Should be self explanatory after that.


And yeah, really 4.9%. Pretty much considering there are about 4000 topics in this section.


Can't wait to watch it!

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Can't wait until we reach 5 % :)

Although that Achievement topic will prevent it...It grows faster than ours... Its a bit too chatty...


I hope he's still around.. I want to see it too.



It will be impossible to upload it right here...there is a max of 200kb ...

You should put in on youtube, or more preferably.. upload the files on a file-host.

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Yes, that might be the best thing to do.


Btw, just had a look at the poll. The EG Legion plans are getting quite some votes. Can't say I'm surprised.


[EDIT]Gotta go now. I'll be back tomorrow. Hopefully Slawter's exported the trailer by then.

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It will run for a while.. so I think we'll get at least a double of that ...

Especially on thursday (most famous day of the week over here ;D)

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