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At least I made some nice progress today; the 4th part is almost finished, just need to place a few enemies and do the pathing, then I can get started on the 3rd and 5th part.


With a bit of luck I can have it all finished before I leave. :happy:

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Ayleid ruins doing ok i've yet to clutter add the mages and necros give them an AI and then ive got to smooth out a couple of things e.g floating stairs...


A couple of things how do i turn collision on?

should i use necro and mage factions or new ones?

Should i leave the AI to vicICE as he could actually do it properly?

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-Collision, you mean havok? floatings stairs?

-Just use the mages and necro factions, that will not interfere with anything..

-They will not need that much AI, to none...they will start to fight immediately when you approach them.

I'll do so via scripting..

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Yes havok sorry my bad


And floating stairs is basically just that some of my stairs are not dropped to ground level and are floating above the hall below them but i can fix that.


Also guys about 300 views( with both videos put together) for the trailer and nearing 7400 views on tesnexus file...

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Owk.. it was one of the two .Either that or you'd used KOTN :).

Havok is that button with HK in it (if you haven't found it yet). Enabling it when selecting an object will trigger it.

Don't forget to turn it off ;).

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i am going to my first day of summer work today so i'll wont be around until 8pm or something like that and slawter, i got a pm from a friend of mine telling that everybody at his school who play oblivion think this mod is the best in mod history :P
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Lol, conquering the Netherlands XD.


It think that the Beta will be up soon, slawter ;). (another mod...)

(last edits are done...)

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