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Empires Glory


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Definitley agree with vicICE, something like the sig banner should be on the homepage, you did pretty good with the banner maybe improvise, and show us a pic of it here?


Also yeah please make the music turn offable (lol not a real word but oh well) while i sometimes like music on a site not always it makes it annoying if im browsing more than one site with music from the other one playing in my ears


Maybe we could give a taster of the mods music from crimson? Maybe give the mods music a page on its own?


Oh and one more thing


Holy crap 172 pages!

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Hmm. We could put the image I used for the sig on the homepage:




But I think this screen of the IC I made will look better:




What do you think?


[EDIT]And we also need some text for the homepage. We could use the stuff on the filepage, or write something new.

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I am Still Digging the empty throne deal for home page but i really do love the Original IC Banner Pic beautiful Shot.


am going off line for a few hour please leave more feed back of music what you all want.


lets have vote:


1. Ambient

2. Symphony \ Rock

3. Classical / Symphony

4. English Lute

5. Oprah \ Classical

6. Modified Oblivion Loop..


Will post something when I'm back on.

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