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Empires Glory


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Hm, better watch out. Looks too good to me.

People are going to take us serious from now on...


Translation = nice work.


--26 visits on our site..85% is directed through links...so no bookmarks yet...

The top 3 is ..

- 1 Netherlands

- 2 US

- 3 UK

And the last one on #10 is Ukraine..


The best part is that the average visitor takes 0,52 seconds to look around before they run away.

And it seems that the majority, although they don't have won the elections, with 50% uses firefox to watch it.

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You would be amazed how quickly it goes..Of course it isn't that exact.

But people generally don't visit a page that long (at least not as long as you think).

It is like changing channels on tv, quite fast...

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Hm, I know as it should, but I didn't know you could still access it.

I'll fix it soon by adding some text and a screenshot, like at the topic link.

Does someone has a spare screenshot?

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