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ok ill join the team. :thanks: ill start working on illians book ASAP im kinda busy tommarow but i will have a rough draft done by tommarow evening. this will probaly be my last post tonight thanks again! :thumbsup:
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Have a good night..


Take the sig if you want to. You can change that over here.


I'll add you to the filepage, with access-privileges, soon.

-note to self...need to change on the site as well...

-nice..the site is offline...

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I missed the first couple of tags ;)....Here is the correct one..It should show up beneath it if it's correct.





-Indeed, my 1000th post! Hmm... how to celebrate...

--saving it up..

Could someone check the site and the eg-hotmail in a couple of hours of now ( say 6).

The site keeps persistent at being offline and I can't login at the site....seems strange...perhaps a change of host?

I'm not that kind with free hosts, abandon them while you still can!

--owk, it is now giving reports of removal? eh? W.t.f. ?

---Email-address hasn't been registered...people...let's find another host first thing tomorrow.

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Okay First Sorry for the inactivity as of late i've been working a lot.

I do read posts everyday.


Progress Report.

All ambient Cave. sound 100%

2 themes battle and EG classical 100% :whistling:

currently working on Montage video n sound.

And video voice acting.


Please pm me any ready dialogue.

male and female.


Now I have a Brilliant Idea.

In theory with the proper scripting it would be possible.


in completion of EG somewhere in game.

game copies Player Character

textures over with stone Creating the Champion of Cyridil Statue.


not sure if it could be done but that would be so awesome. :biggrin:


And Congo Ratz on 1000 posts vicICE :thumbsup:

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Ok first


Congratz on 1000 posts vicICE

Welcome to the team andy

Cool on progress Force

Il give andy editing access to the file page and add him to the team listings


And andy, as your writing a book about Illian, Dont make him seem to justified, id like to portray him as evil, Not someone gunning for revenge, Give him a reason to hate the empire, but still dont make him seem like someone whos been badly treated and is just getting payback, make him seem evil!


Edit: Just read the idea Crimson, its great, love it!

Edit:2 Andy you can now edit the file page,editing acess granted

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O, I thought I already added him to the list slawter ;D.

Anyway...the site is still gone, the host still states that it doesn't recognize the email-address.

We need another one...

--Hm seems we'll need a library with all those new books?

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