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Empires Glory


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The others haven't said anything, so I doubt they have taken a look at... Did you made any changes after mine, by the way?

Or are you waiting for more feedback, as you said..? I'll ask the others if they want to take a look, first thing tomorrow.

(as they are probably all gone now..)


-50% of the story..pff. I must watch out not writing too much next to it. :D.


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3/5 is asleep already...different time-zones :)..

Haha, the story of The Force is almost done as well.

I found it difficult to stick to his story, but it is his. I only changed things that weren't true and.. mostly grammar-related things :)..

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Didn't read it yet..I'll do know.. You can judge this one..it is from the Force..The things that are left unchanged are obvious.. Still, here it is.. more readable and edited :)..It is still not thát coherent, but it is The Force's work so I left it in its value. Still a nice one, The Force.

I'm not sure about the title, maybe you know one?

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Hm, I'm not sure about your end. Maybe instead of "as a conqueror." "and then I will take my revenge".

The conqueror-part should derive from that thought. The rest is good as always...:)..

Let's hope the other take a look soon as well. Only slawter did once, if I'm correct.

--I'll leave in... 10 min..

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ok thanks. um The Forces story is.... good. though there are still quite a few grammarical errors.... for the name.. i would say something short and simple for all 3 of his books. Mabye #1 could be called 'the Glory' #2 The fall #3 The rebirth or just rebirth. i got to turn in for the night, i probaly wont be on for a while tommarow another busy day. but ill be on.... eventually. tommarow sometime. your welcome to change anything in my book you want, i just liked 'as a conqueror' because he is leaving the IC and will return to take over the city. but thats all right if you want to change it. Good Night!
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HAha, Indeed. I just took a peak. It was quite difficult to see what he meant from time to time.

I'll ask slawter to take a decent look tomorrow.

I know what you mean with the conqueror, but it came quite sudden. I'm not sure yet, let's discuss tomorrow.

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