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Well its got to have mages and necromancers...obviously :P


Umm some places where mages and necromancers are fighting, some places where an area is filled with necromancers and no mages, another place with mages and no necromancers, Basically the player picks a side, he helps that side and that side lets him through the dungeon, So make there advantages(through the placement of each magee/necro) to both sides.


dont knwo if theres anything else, vicICE will know so id wait for him to begin


Thanks alot for doing it!

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Hi guys, i was talking with The Force yesterday and he told me his idea about 2 final books about kvatch and how did he want to write them so i will write them myself in his place he told me everything, so i wanted to ask... can i join ur team? i know how to mod to, not much but i know, i will write books and make trailers like my friend the force did
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Haha, really. We don't need any trailers now, but maybe in the future. I generally see no problem with that.

To crimson, the biggest thing is to place the statics for the dungeons, clutter and the npc's...I can handle the rest.


The story is simple, the necromancers have their hands on a shard of the amulet. The mages want it as well.

The necromancers hid themselves in those caves. Mages are in combat agains them.

The player will be given the option to join one of both, or none at all. In any way, you'll finish off what's left standing to get the shard.

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Ok guys first of all thanks for letting me in team


Now about books, i was reading hole topic and i saw that its stupid that Edition 1 etc, so i will remove it books are going to be called Kvatch:City of Life, Kvatch:Destruction, Kvatch: Return to Life without edition 1 2 or 3 it sucks -.-


Ok now, about books,


Kvatch:City of Life(100%)Done Kvatch:Destruction(35%) Kvatch:Return to Life (0%) u can follow progress in my signature but don't worry i will write progress here to, ;) well i must go know tomorrow i will continue the writing bye guys!

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