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Ok progress is good so far, well when the BETA will come out? and how much work is still there to do?


Btw, Book Kvatch:Destruction Will be finished tomorrow i hope so

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Hey also a new edition to the file page, our names link to our profiles now.

I wanted to do that last week, but I forgot. Nicely done slawter ;).


The mythicd dawn has but one relation with this mod and that will end at the first quest. Any additions would be in plugins :).


Maybe next year, I don't know..Once everyone has send what they have, I have to clean it, test it, change it, merge it, assign the quests/scripts/ai. So ...maybe a month, maybe less.

I say that because I've to decide if I'll add 2 additonal days of college to the week or not...in a short timespan.

The first shard quest is covered by me...but...If someone needs to learn CS and interiors..like calliton or anyone else that hasn't done that before. It'll be a good start...


Hmm Argomirr, I don't know lol..Give me a moment.

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alright i have 22 minutes and still no reply on my idea so i will repost it


during the war the counts and nobilllity will refuse to fight becuz their heirs are captured, it is up to you if you save the heirs if you do the nobility will have hope and will lead their soldiers personnaly into battle and set up a camp on the imperial isle, leaving their heirs into the city (would be cool to see bruma countess fighting in akaviri armor and katana)

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Hm..but what about the one in chorrol then? :)?

I would change that into them leading the attacks, rather than letting them join in..

So they would be present, in some armor as protection. But they would not participate, so that deaths are evaded.

Letting them all be essential is an option too, but the one from chorrol could, to my opinion, not hold a hit from a weapon on her shield without breaking her legs.

I like the increased involvement though..They only sit on their thrones right now.

--To the ones that may complain how that should be compatible then..

The IC-attack will be in another world, so the original one will not be used. As it will concerning npc's.

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when i am home at sunday i will mod until ten, mostly EGlegion when it is finished i will build the naval outpost(will take 2 days) then my ingame book about the EG adventure from both sides(martin/you as emperor)


i´ll make heirs for the counts


then an little easter egg (some new people by the elder council chambers who will stand there giving hints about the mod( the team)

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Hm, but then they cannot die...to keep the lore intact + compatibility as there are some mods that use those people...

Not to mention any quests that aren't finished.



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Cool make them non essential, but your not allowed to harm them you have to free them from illans influence, also are we still doing the IC citizens(or copies of citizens as the case may be) fighting back right? Like market district fighting chance owner fights back, and phintias makes a barricade of books etc?
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