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Amulet shards so far



Amulet dialogue for 1,2,3,4(page 15, post by aragorn) already finished


Amulet needed ideas


Number 1 dialogue


Number 2-Dialogue


Player "Steal, i haven't stolen anything!

Victim "Oh, of course not! Just covering up aren't you!"

Player "If id stolen something id hardly march in here in plain sight would i!"

Victim "SO YOU ADMI....what?? Oh dear my apologies, I am nobleman [name] what can i do for you

Player "Ive heard that you have a rare red jewel, id like to buy it"

Victim "Well your to late then aren't you! Thats what was stolen you stupid fool!"

Player "Could i take a look around, see if i can find anything?"

Victim "Please yourself, but if a nobleman like me couldnt find anything a commoner like you most certainly wont!"

*Look around find note from TG(thieves guild member) signed at bottom with name*

*Search TG members house*

*find note from armon christophe stating to deliver the shard to him"

*search christophes house*

*Find yet another note with the name of who the client who wanted it was"

*Steal shard from client*

Player "Hello?"

Victim "Oh you again! What have you found out then??!"

Player "Nothing"

Victim " Im surprised you found out that much NOW IN THE NAME OF THE NINE DIVINES GET OUT!"


piece 2 amulet dialogue done

Piece 2 notes


"To [TG members name]


We have received a request from an unlikley buyer, a nobleman has asked us to rob his neighbour of a valuable red jewel, do this and you will be rewarded with 750 septims.


The amulet will be in a display case in the dining room, the lock shouldnt cause to much of a problem.


From Armond Christophe"


Letter 2

"[TG members name]


I have received the jewel

Armond Christophe"


Letter 3

"To Armond Christophe


It was a pleasure doing buisness with you, i have paid the 1000 septims required, please deliver the jewel to this address (marker given)


From [Name]"


If you need reminding the things done to get the amulet shards are on page 2 and 3.


Im signing off for tonight I'll have some dialogue for pieces 5&6 ready tomorrow and il also assemble all amulet shard dialogue in one post when i write pieces 5&6.

We also need dialogue for amulet shard 5 and 6

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Amulet shards so far



Amulet dialogue for 1,2,3,4(page 15, post by aragorn) already finished


Amulet needed ideas


Number 1 dialogue


Number 2-Dialogue


Player "Steal, i haven't stolen anything!

Victim "Oh, of course not! Just covering up aren't you!"

Player "If id stolen something id hardly march in here in plain sight would i!"

Victim "SO YOU ADMI....what?? Oh dear my apologies, I am nobleman [name] what can i do for you

Player "Ive heard that you have a rare red jewel, id like to buy it"

Victim "Well your to late then aren't you! Thats what was stolen you stupid fool!"

Player "Could i take a look around, see if i can find anything?"

Victim "Please yourself, but if a nobleman like me couldnt find anything a commoner like you most certainly wont!"

*Look around find note from TG(thieves guild member) signed at bottom with name*

*Search TG members house*

*find note from armon christophe stating to deliver the shard to him"

*search christophes house*

*Find yet another note with the name of who the client who wanted it was"

*Steal shard from client*

Player "Hello?"

Victim "Oh you again! What have you found out then??!"

Player "Nothing"

Victim " Im surprised you found out that much NOW IN THE NAME OF THE NINE DIVINES GET OUT!"


piece 2 amulet dialogue done

Piece 2 notes


"To [TG members name]


We have received a request from an unlikley buyer, a nobleman has asked us to rob his neighbour of a valuable red jewel, do this and you will be rewarded with 750 septims.


The amulet will be in a display case in the dining room, the lock shouldnt cause to much of a problem.


From Armond Christophe"


Letter 2

"[TG members name]


I have received the jewel

Armond Christophe"


Letter 3

"To Armond Christophe


It was a pleasure doing buisness with you, i have paid the 1000 septims required, please deliver the jewel to this address (marker given)


From [Name]"


If you need reminding the things done to get the amulet shards are on page 2 and 3.


Im signing off for tonight I'll have some dialogue for pieces 5&6 ready tomorrow and il also assemble all amulet shard dialogue in one post when i write pieces 5&6.

We also need dialogue for amulet shard 5 and 6

by the way do you have textures and meshes for the amulet shards otherwise it doesn't make sense

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All collected Dialogue so far from previous pages(so its easier to find)


Ocato 1st conversation and messenger telling you to meet him.


The messenger himself should say very little along the lines of "The High Chancellor,Highest Ranking Seat on the elder council requests your prescence in his chambers at once"


Ocato could say "Ah there you are,I have a task for you, I will entrust it to no other than the champion of Cyrodill,you are well within your rights to refuse, but if you accept you will have served Cyrodil in a way even greater than you have ever before, and the rewards you may earn will be far greater than any man/woman has ever earned before, if my suspicions are correct you could become far more than the champion of cyrodil,do you accept


Player "Yes, I accept"


Ocato " Excellent, please travel to the imperial prison district,the jailor will be expecting you"


Mythic Dawn Sweet talk/torture

Key-MDA=Mythic Dawn Agent-SW-sweet talk


Hmmm not sure how about....


(before i start you can either torture or sweet talk the info out of him)


Player-Jailor"Chancellor Ocato sent me, he said i should visit you"

Jailor"Ahh First of All i would like to say what an honour it is to meet you Champion"

Player "Thank you, and now to the matter at hand"

Jailor" ahh Yes of course excuse me i was just honoured to be in your prescence, anyway there is a prisoner we brought in recently, we believe he is withholding some important information, we believe that you may be able to persuade him to divulge that information"

*Taken to the mythic dawn prisoner*

*Taken inside cell,mythic dawn agent is under guard and strapped to a chair*

Player(choice of swet talk or Torture)

SW"I understand you have some information for us"

Toture"Mythic Dawn Scum!"

Mythic dawn agent

SW response"And what makes you think id tell you anything"

torture response" Silence unbeliever!You may have thwarted us once but we shall rise agin!"

Player-SW"I never asked you for any, i am here to discuss religion"

Player torture" I AM THE ONE GIVING ORDERS HERE!" *hit prisoner like in fighters guild interrogation"

MDA SW response-Religion? is this a joke!

MDA torture-You can make me bleed, but that wont give your precious empire a ruler

Player SW" a joke? No far from it, Im afraud mehrunes Dagon is considred,well....unpopular,and i have your best interest at heart

Player Torture"Oh? and you know of a way to do this?SPEAK OR MY NEXT STRIKE SHALL BE A BLADE"

MDA SW response-Mehrunes Dagon is a symbol of strength, that is all i need to believ in him

MDA torture response-You wouldnt dare

Player SW " Really i seem to remember it was Akatosh who won the duel of the gods"

PLayer torture-*talk to guard gain interrogation blade which has 0 damage* strike MDA

MDA SW response-What you say.....it is true, mehrunes dagon is weak, I..I..I

MDA torture response-HA! a cut across the face, scars will heal!

Player SW-Convert to akatosh,tell me the secrets of Dagon to destroy this weak mockery of a god

PLayer torture-This maybe true but your manhood,is that something you would bet on healing?

MDA SW response"The amulet only shattered, the pieces could still be found, but to wear it the wearer would still need dragon blood, an emperor would add insult to injury of his death

MDA torture respons-NO!PLEASE!IL TELL YOU EVERYTHING! *then same as above"


Amulet shard dialogue


Shard 1


Merchant"Hello there, would you like to take a look at some of my fine wares?"

Player"Yes please, have any jewels in stock, im rather partial to red jewels"

Merchant"I have got a red jewel available,you an adventurer?"

Player "Yes i am as a matter of fact, why do you ask?"

Merchant" because ye look like one and no adventurer in the world could afford this thing,certainly not you,I reckon if you and your children payed every penny they ever earned you still wouldnt be able to afford this red beauty"

Player" Would you perhaps offer a discount to the Champion of Cyrodil?"

Merchant " Ah i wish i could sir, but im afraid i need the money this thing could bring in for the money to pay the fighters guild for a...problem im having"

Player " A problem? Anything i could help with"

Merchant "Hmmm as a matter of fact yes, youd be far better than anyone the fighters guild could supply,the champion of cyrodil i couldnt ask for anyone btter"

Player " Just one small thing, if i were to help you with this problem, you wouldnt need the money from that jewel would you?"

Merchant "Oh no sir,If you help me with my problem ye can have the jewel, I'll even give it a shine for ye!"

Player "Excellent! Whats the problem then?"

Merchant"Well,ive got two sons,not very alike mind ye, ones a fancy pants mage and the others a brave hardy warrior,at any rate i would never like to see either of em come to harm,but recently they went missing,both of em wrote to me sayin they had a job to do at [Name] Cave, Elofir(mage) said somethingabout picking up an ingredient for a special potion,Gargon said that he was to escort a mage through [Name] Cave, and neither ther' guild nor me have hear from em since, please sir, find them nd bring em back safely"

Player "Il find your sons, and il do everything physically possible to help them"

Merchant"Thank you! Thank you! You are truly worthy of the title Champion!"


*Travel to cave*

*Kill all monsters,ideas as to what they could be?*

*find sons*

(M)=Mage (W)=Warrior

Mage son(Elofir)-Thank Akatosh, A rescuer!

Warrior son(Gargon)-Greetings, i presume you were ordered to help me by the fighters guild,didnt think theyd leave me here to long, to valuable see.

Player "I am sorry to dissapoint you but i am not here on contract from the fighters guild.

Elofir(M)-Then the mages guild sent you? Surely?

Player "I am afraid not, the mages guild did not send me either, I am here to rescue you however

Gargon(W)-Then who? who sent you?

Player "I was sent by your father"

Elrofir(M)-Will you take us to him

Player Option 1-No i have cleared the cave, i have done enough(may require you to wait before father will believe you)

Option 2-Yes i will accompany you


*Father has been reunited with sons*

Player "I hope that you may share much happiness with your sons now that they are returned to you

Merchant "You are a truly great man/woman"

Player "Thank you,and now i trust you will hold up your end of the bargain"

Merchant " Yes of course sire! Although i confess, I do not believe that is worth anything,it is only a cracked segment of a red jewel,You may take your pick of anything from the shop, you dont have to limit yourself to the jewel"

Player "Thank you, but i would rather have the jewel"

Merchant "Of course sir! Whatever you want sir"



Piece 2-in above post


Piece 3-Archeologist Dialogue(speak to each)


Archeolgist 1-Stay back from the crater, it is to dangerous

Archeolgist 2-That crater is dangerous and ive got scars to prove it


Player "Why are you examining this crater"

Archeologist 3"Because its only just appeared, craters dont just magically appear"

Player "Can i take a look?"

Archeologist 3"Sure, if you gotta death wish"


Piece 4

H:What do you want?

P:What odd things are you seeing?

H:I've seen a golden thing falling from the sky, but when I searched for it, nothing was there.I believe ogres took it.Let me mark in your map the ogre nests near here(you could just put ogres in 3 caves or mines near Chorrol, the leader of one of them will be with the piece).Now leave me alone.


(Thanks to Aragorn)


Piece 5-(choose to side between battling mages and necromancers)

Option necromancers


Necromancers-What is it worm?

Player-I can help

Necromancer-Is that so, willing to kil all these feeble mages?



Option Mage


Mage-DIE NECROMA-, Oh champion, my humble apologies, i thought you were....

Player-A necromancer i gathered, but id rather help you deal with them.

Mage-Of course.


Option niether *Sneak through entire (cave/ruin/ayleid?) without help.

Territory-quick paths to shard-Necromancers

very long path to shard-Mages

Area surrounding shard-Mage

Room with shard(door away from surrounding area)-Neither


Piece 6(Farm near Kvatch,martins house)


Note-If you want vice ice it'd be pretty cool to find martins journal from his farm life right up to the attack on Kvatch.



*Go into farmhouse*

*Search around*

*Fathers journal entry, "A red jewel with some gold around the edging landed in the vegetable patch today,I locked it in my chest".*

*Search chest*

*Find shard*

*exit house*

*Some hardass ghostly blades are waiting for you*

Ghostly blade 1 "You have trespassed on the grounds of a septim!"

Player "Brother Martin was a septim?"

Ghostly blade 2"Do not attempt to play the fool, we are amongst the few who know of his existence!"

Ghostly Blade captain "You have forced entry into the home of a septim, you have also taken a prized posession of the empire and a symbol of its power, the sentence for these charges is arrest and later execution"

Player "I do not wish to fight you, but i cannot allow you to take these jewels from me"

Ghostly blade " They are not jewels, they are shards of The Amulet Of Kings, you must turn them over to us or die"

Player " I am sorry, i cannot give them to you, you will have to kill me"

Ghostly blade " Very well, blades, AT ARMS!"

* 5 Ghostly blades attack, the first 5 are not difficult but the captain is hardcore and hard to kill*


Dragon cave/ruin, dialogue of person who marks on your map


*Quest journal update-I have heard of people saying that huge roars have been heard from [name] cave/ruin, i should ask the people closest to the cave/ruin)

*Speak to someone in nearest city about [name] cave*

Citizen "Greetings"

Player "Hi there,I was wondering if you could tell me anything about [name] cave/ruin"

Citizen "Why of course, anything for the champion of cyrodil! The ruin must have some magical powers or something, many say that once you reach the door that you feel heat,even in the coldest of winters"

Player "Oh?Please continue"

Citizen "Well,the mages guild wanted to investigate(this could be where the bodies and skeletons on the inside come in) None returned. So the fighters guild were sent in to investigate, they sent seven good men into that place, Only one got to see the world outside the ruin again,when he came back the whole town was cheering,thought he'd killed whatever blasted thing was in there,but we soon saw somethin' was wrong, he was shaking uncontrollably, and he was burnt all over, we stopped cheering and backed away, it was as if he was possesed or somethin' he went straight to the fighters guild to tender his resignation, for three nights there was screaming from his house, On the fourth day he was gone, so the guard searched his house for his will, but they found his journal, it said a great deal that was unreadable, probably to shaken up to write, one thing they were able to decipher was "I am going to make one final journey, I am going to dive rock and will never return" And tha' was tha', no one ever went near the damn ruin again and everybody got on with their lives"

Player "Thanks you, You've been most helpful, could you perhaps mark the ruins location on my map?"

Citizen "Ok sir i cant see no harm in doing so, going to pay your respects to the brave people who went in? Guildmates perhaps?"




Raminus explains about being able to bring martin back or become emperor


Remember btw that the amulet shards are done before the dragon blood

Raminus "Greetings,Champion"

Player "Hello Raminus, how goes your progress with the dragons blood, have you found a way to pass it safely into my own blood"

Raminus "Yes,But i have done more"

Player "Oh, what have you discovered?"

Raminus "While i was working,striving to find a way of passing the dragons blood safely into your veins, i fell asleep,And i had a dream,I was in the temple of the one, Martin walked towards me smiling, and then he burst into flame, and he became a dragon, roaring and screeching, i thought i was going to ripped apart or turned to ash by the dragons breath, but it slowly returned to martin and said "A dragon can never truly die" Then the world dissolved and i awoke"

Player " But it was only a dream Raminus"

Raminus "That maybe true Champion, but mages place a great deal of importance on dreams, i wne tto see tar-meena immediatley and asked her to interpret it,she said that Those with dragon blood could arise to live once again, but a man/woman not of the same family tree and also of dragon blood must hold the last thing held by the deceased man/woman, and draw blood from themselves and let it flow freely over the last posession of the deceased"

Player "Do you mean...."

Raminus "Yes, I believe the septims could rule once more, I will however leave this decision to you, Martin was honourable, and you are equally so, I am not worthy of deciding this decison that could change the path of the future"

Player Option 1 "I cannot decide now, I must take time to reflecton this"

Option 2 "I will bring back the glorious septims and let them rule tamriel once more"

Option 3 "I will rule tamriel, it is ungodly for a man to return from death"

Option 4 "I will rule tamriel, I have earned this privelege"


Talking to ocato after Raminus



Ocato "Ah Champion,Raminus has informed me that he has discovered a way of merging your blood with the dragons, this is excellent news, he has however also informed me of the decision you must make, I standby what Raminus said, you have earned the rhight to decide"

Player " Thank you, I choose....

*note ive remembered i put the options in Raminus's explanation of how martin could return, i shall edit this so that you are given the option to decide when talking to ocato not raminus*

Option 1-" To bring back Martin Septim!True Friend and ruler!"

Option 2 "To bear the title of emperor myself,no man should be disturbed from eternal slumber"

Option 3 "To bear the title of emperor myself,The position belongs to me, i am the only one worthy"

Ocato "Very well... *Ocato will take you to palace gates where attack will begin half way through Ocato making you emperor or you doing what raminus told you"

If you chose Martin-"Peform the ritual told to by Raminus, and bring back the greatest emperor to ever grace tamriel,But let the whole of Tamriel see, come to the palace gates!"

If you chose yourself-"To the palace gates then, let all of Tamriel smile upon their new emperor"


Martins Return Dialogue(If martin is chosen)


Martin "Im..Im...Im alive, but this cannot be,I can feel....I can touch.....I exist"

Player "Welcome back old friend"

Martin "Your voice, I remember it, I can think, I can do anything, I am no longer nothing, I exist once again! And how glorious it is that the first thing i hear when i return is your voice"

Player " Thank you, Emperor"

Martin "By the Nine Divines, I had forgotten, the joy of being alive, i did not remember, I am a septim, there is no time for celebrating, I have an empire to restore, It is time to restore The The empires glory!"



Bravil count naming-Martin naming you

Martin “Hello again my friend”

Player “ It is a pleasure,My liege”

Martin “ Likewise, and I hope that you find our topic of conversation just as pleasurable”

Player “ Oh? A gift perhaps? You have done far to much already”

Martin “ I doubt I could ever do to much for you my friend, But to the matter at hand, As you know Count [Forgot name] of Bravil has been….removed from his position.”

Player “ Of course, it had to be done, I’ll start looking for potential replacements”

Martin “ I believe I have already found one”

Player “ Oh? Who?”

Martin “ You, In the name of the Empire I name you Count Bravil”

Player “ Thank you my lord”



Naming you count bravil-Ocato naming you

Ocato “Ah my liege! It is good to see you again!”

Player “Likewise, Ocato”

Ocato “ At any rate, to the matter at hand, As you know count bravil was removed from office recently..”

Player “Yes I remember perfectly”

Ocato “Yes, well we need a replacement”

Player “I see im sure you could find a suitable replacement”

Ocato “ Well, If you had some choice in the matter it would be better for yourself, and it is after all your empire”

Player” I see, Where are you getting at?”

Ocato “I think you should have direct control, You shall be bravils new count”

Player “Thank you Ocato, your advice is always welcome”


Adding dialogue for when you first meet the translator.






Player: "Ah Raminus"

Raminus:"Ah Champion, Good to see you"

Player" Thank you"

Raminus " You are most welcome, To what do i owe this pleasure."

Player " Ah yes, Would you happen to know a good translator by any chance?"

Raminus " Well that depends, What language would it be?"

Player "Daedric"

Raminus " *Eyes widen* Its nothing dangerous is it?! Like that horrible Xarxes is it?"

Player " No, No, Not at all, It is only a note"

Raminus "I see. Good."

"Player " So? Do you know of someone sutiable"

Raminus "Yes as a matter of fact i do. I pride myself on Daedric translation. But first tell me how this note came into your position"

Player "[Tell Raminus everything]

Raminus " I see. I shall keep this a secret. I have already deciphered some of the note . One says. A man who hunts for gold, but for a purpose sought by no other. It likely means merchant by a man who hunts for gold, as for a purpose sought by no other, I am not sure.

Player "I see. Thank you.

Raminus "You are welcome. As always champion. I shall send a messenger when i have learnt more of what this note speaks of."

Player "Thank you raminus."

There we are, alot of compiled information, hopefully it'll be easier to access

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very early we had a discussion about bringing blades and royal gaurds with you on your adventures, maybe we could make an addon with missions to get the trust of the gaurds and blades, because i would'nt give my trust to anyone. and after each mission you can get a higher ranking blade/gaurd with you.


mission 1: clear a cave of bandits, reward: rank 1 blade/gaurd

and so on....................................................


about the sixth shard perhaps as listed before you need to find a spell to create a part of a greater artifact

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