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How was your trip?

We've got a new worldspace called Open Arch. It contains a university with a little town.

It will be the place where you can get the spell after you got the dragon blood.

We've put ourself into the mod and some books were written or fixed.

Owk.. summary

Argomirr->The Dragon


Jefe->Imperial Legion Officer

Starwars->Imperial Recruiter

Dagon->Librarian/monk/=Dagon Theran

Andy->Head librarian/principal/mayor/dean

Crimson Knight. (personal thing as he does quite a wide variety of things)

Googlepox. (One of the fighters guild sons?)

Calliton. (a strange and difficult one laugh.gif)

The others will be added once they have contributed some or are back online.

There will be one or two side-quests (Of which one is finding a new cook?)

The university will be lead by the order of the tales/Retired blades. etc...and I think you didn't miss anything else.

Do you agree being a recruiter by the way? I just picked something at random.


(I just had the funniest experience in that worldspace, I wish I had fraps enabled ;D.)

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Here's what I have for History of the Talos university so far. Only a little introduction, with some info on where to find the spell.


The University of Talos was founded sometime around 3E380 by Emperor Uriel VII. As the name suggests, The University is populated by the Order of Talos, better known by their true name, The Blades. This book will take you through the History of The University using the four main events of Uriel Septim's reign as the guide. The Imperial Simacrulum, The Warp in The West, The Nerevarine and The Oblivion Crisis. The Final chapter will tell you about the Magical failsafe "Tamriel's Last Resort" which Uriel hid in The library. If you wish to find it, the first step is to read the chapter, solve the riddle, and speak to Dagon.

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