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Empires Glory


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I wouldn't know exactly...

Argomirr is the dragon..

Slawter is the messenger

Starwars was...I'm not exactly sure, but at least martin and also ocato.(last one could be changed)

aragorn is a bit out of the game...

I can't remember who did Illian

The rest support their own characters.

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What's left...

The mythic dawn agent.

The merchant

The merchant's sons

The noblemen

The noblemen's rival

The Mages

The Necromancers

The dude from the ogres-quest

The ghostly blades



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I wouldn't know exactly...

Argomirr is the dragon..

Slawter is the messenger

Starwars was...I'm not exactly sure, but at least martin and also ocato.(last one could be changed)

aragorn is a bit out of the game...

I can't remember who did Illian

The rest support their own characters.

you mean i'll have to voice act my own character? i cant do argonians...

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Its morphed... we'll figure out how they did it when voices will be recorded..

Hmm..maybe I'll create some login at our site, so we can store info behind it...


1300 posts and counting....hehe I'm gaining in on calliton.

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(Im a light brown haired breton on the youngest setting possible, natrul hair, long, i dont care what armor/clothes i get, but can i possibly have a silver longsword at my side. thats to whoever makes me on CS. oh and ill just have my name be Andy. no numbers. or Dean Andy. Or Mayor Andy. as i said, i wont do my own Voice Acting so who wants to do that?)


edit: mabye 12750s my last name. Ha HA i could be Mayor Andy One-two-seven-five-zero. mabye we could make me green and say im an alien. :biggrin:


edit:probaly last post tonight. be on for a few more minutes though so you can reply if you want.

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lol, thats funny, andy

id prefer to be an argonian with the dual fins and the basic new character color with the age bar to the far left, with some kinda cool (custom maybe) armor and weapons, preferably with a skirt like in the ranger armor and light daedric armor

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