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Empires Glory


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About the amulet shards. I don't know if I will be modeling them. Perhaps I'll just use quest objects.

Cause the amulet isn't that big....they would be very small. The player must not lose them :D.

But perhaps at the end I'll place them, but generally its not needed....


Are we finished with the shards, by the way?

Mostly is see now...


We do need a name indeed.

I've named all things ER, from Emperor Reinstated. But the name can still be adjusted. (nobody should really see the difference)

(Just something I used, cause I needed something for reference)


Still have doubts. How to name a mod that involves either the return of an emperor or you becoming one.....?


Thank for assembling the dialogue. Got only half, until I lost track on it.....

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Just want to add my 2c.


Yes, IC is the capitol, and yes, the legion is defending it.


But think about these things politics-wise. Try to follow my simple argumentation: Power corrupts. Not directly perhaps, absolute power doesn't mean absolute corruption. However, people of power do tend to get weird ideas and they do tend to get power hungry. The empire is weak, the legion is strewn thin, the emperor dead, Ocato is a fool, and there are probably still quite a few dormant cells of the mythic dawn present. Sleeper agents might even have infiltrated the legion, advise different lords or whatever really. After each war poverty is on the rise, people aren't happy, why should they be forced to eat one radish a day when the fat legion commander didn't even get a scratch in the fights? Bandits and pirates could go on a rampage. Hell, even some soldiers might join their ranks.


The situation is unstable. If Vivec was still alive he might consider giving the command to burn are the legion forts in Morowind. If Nerevarine wasn't in akawir he probably wouldn't hesitate at all. The legion in the norths is made out of nords, their loyalties might be their own. They're strong valiant warriors that harbour little understanding for weakness. And the empire is weak.


Truly, everyone might take it up to himself to become the new emperor. Politics could make up a great deal of this mod. Talking with different lords, plotting, helping or double-crossing, and perhaps assassinating, restraining and conquering if diplomatics fail.


I even think that you could base a plenty of that on different quest lines. It's not that hard to find out if someone finished a quest with a script. The final attack could depends on how you managed to sweet talk different people. Just look at the different counts and think: What could be in their best interest? What kind of politics would they do? What kind of people are they? Stupid? Posh? Ruthless? Nice? Reclusive? Reckless? Caring? Loyal?


And go on from that. I see a plenty of space for rebelieon. Even loyalty can be a reason to rebel for the good of the land if the man currently in charge's a halfwit.


Altmer attacking is a shot.. a bit out of the blue. I can't see them leave summerset for... what exactly? They're too reclusive for that. For anything. PSJJJJ used to be a political power because past emperors asked for the wisdom they could provide, but that's about it.

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Hmm quite true. But that would be another mod again. Hmm if you had been here earlier....

I must say I like the idea. But that would be a totally different mod. This one is quite planned out already.

Maybe I'll give it a shot after this one.


thnx anyway slawter.

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Well....I'll try and delete all that isn't relevant to this mod and most things are new. So it should be ok...

no guarantees though. A D2D version I recon?


anyway. where were we? Pretty much done the planning right?

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Yep. Seems there's just the two of us...


I don't know about the levels yet. But it will at least be a combo of a cave and an ayleid ruin.

We've got a vampire community in the deeper parts...

Some flame atronachs in the deepest part and of course the dragon itself...


Perhaps a bandit/goblin group is at the first part of the dungeon?

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