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Empires Glory


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Umm.. why the hell is everyone writing about Open Arch ..

i mean u write about Open Arch Guide and u DONT KNOW how did i picture the city in my book?


i mean i am rely mad and i am pissed off i was first told that i will write history of open arch and then u fly in and screw it up.. now i don't know how did u write it.. and when i read i will need to edit whole damn thing to match it ur guide damn! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :verymad: :verymad: :verymad:

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Calm down guys!


Andy you were going a bit off topic which might of lead to dagons post which could've annoyed you. Dagon shouldn't of said it. Dragon, Dagon was always doing Open Arch History, he is doing history not guide, You can write your guide and both books can be edited a LITTLE to match the others.

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I writed it like this...


Writer Note: This is story about village, university and place of knowledge.. that was build by one man that u will find in story, however i never met a man who made this place like this.. i just was inspired what he was doing so i made a story about him.. on some way i knew him untill his death anyway..ok i admit..., he was my brother


*Part 1: Mysterious Builder*


In 2 era i was a traveling merchant, myself and my brother after a while a my path and brother seperated untill

Many years later i was still merchant but however while on road a some person approched me and told me:

"Hello there sir.. i am messenger i was order to deliver u this later(*giving letter*)", "Well thank u very much"

After i read it i saw that my brother invited me to some place so i gone there and i meet him: "Hello there,

my brother..(*hug-ing the brother*) it has been.. a...a, along time since i saw u.. well what do u need from me

this time?", "Well my brother i am tierd and i am old and i called u here because i will build a village...it will be

place of knowledge.. and university still i want that this place stay in "shadow" only some people will know for it

that include u to", "Well if is that ur idea my brother i will help u.. so lets start and raise this up to place of power,

and knowledge."


*Part 2: The OpenArch Village*


After five monts we build a village and we gave him name.. Open Arch, i don't know why but we did for some reason,

Well anyway then after one week a brother called me to village house and told me.."Hello brother.. as u see we finally did it,

we build my dream.. well at least half of it(*laughing*) hehe well i was thinking and we will build an place of knowledge,

i was thinking build-ing some libary with a lots of old documents and our history.. and other story's anyway we will need,

more people if u can get me some, people to fill up village and give him a spark of life, and some workers, and supplies,

i would be very happy now please come back to me when u done that.

(*One week later*)"Brother!, brother! here..(*showing the peoples*) here there are some workers, civilians, and supplis".

"My brother i need to talk with u..i.. i don't know how to tell u...(*thinking for moment*) well i am sick, and there is no

way to get out of this.. my brother i must tell u i am unhapy that i will not able to finish my job and build my dream to end

but i will leave u to this.. i have a little more time.. i..i hope u will finish my dream and build this to what i wanted.. my dream

soon will end..(*coughing*) ugh.. as i see a more soon than i tough, well anyawy lets continue to our job(*hug-ing the brother*).


*Part 3: The OpenArch KnowledgeLibary*


Well after a 1 year more people came to our village by my invite, anyway we finished our libary and it was place of knowledge,

i saw that my brother is not good i knew he will pass away soon..in our libary there were a lot of old documtens and history

of tamriel.. and a lot of more stuff that never need to see a light of our world.

Any way one night my brother came to me and told me:"Hello there brother.. u see i was afraid of our security and safty here

i think we need some guards.. and we need to build walls around our village and then we will see about else.. so tell workers

and lets go to do job."


*Part 4: From Village to City*


After a lot of monts later.. we build the walls soon from village we turn it to something like a city, and there were

a lot of shops, stores, and more things, more and more people lived here and we were all happy still we need

a one more thing.. guards but who to chose i don't know anyone who will help us..

(*Night*) some is knocking on door, i open the door and told him, "Good evning there sir, is there anything u need?"

he looked at me, and told me some things, and he told me that i dont tell it anyone.. then he told me: "Well sir, i

hear some rumors about this place i and i saw ur libary and i saw somethings that even U cant have them so i must admit

i am in organization called Blades we are(*stoping*)", "Yes i know who u are sir, u are emperor procectors and.. but wait

what business u have here?", "Well sir, we are here to secure ur city, and procect u we will be ur guards, and ur brother

did well for keeping this place a secret, and i heard he will die soon, i am very soory sir.. but he did it all well and my talos

guid his soul, anyway we will move in city and use armor as guards and procect u thats all", i told him.. "If that it, then i must

thank u and my brother will be very happy.. thank u very much one more time please go ahead and take some sleep."


*Part 5: Sending a Messenger*


After two years, we all be happy, with all of this... but my brother was a halfway death.. he asked me favor...

he told me to send messenger to some guy called Raminus to arcane university in imperial city

and make him know about this place also to send message to Emperor Uriel Septim who is descent of

Tiber Septim and he rule empire now. any way i did it after a two more days my brother died and before death he told me:

"Brother thank u for holding me this all years and helping me to build my dream.. now that i done i am finish and have no more

business to do here.. i.. i , ugh.. i.. i take this please i give u full control ship of OpenArch its now ur.. keep my dream lift as light

that i will see soon.. m.. b.. brother..ugh(*death*)."

"I will brother may akatosh bless u"


*Part 6: A new Era is here*


Third Era is arrived.. city/Village of my brother, OpenArch is still alive as i told him.. as owner of OpenArch i decide to build

a memory of my brother so i build a high tower and light the fire.. so it will be as my brother dream..

this city will be in light always at least while i am alive.. i made a rule that every new OpenArch owner will go to the top of tower,

and light the fires and then a light from tower will shine upon our village/city and keep it alive, and my brother will have peace.

But if new owner of openarch don't light the lights of OpenArch then all village/city will be in darkness.. no light will be on streets

and then my brother spirit will awake and he will not have peace.


*Part 7: Arriving of Blind Monks*


In third era.. some monks arrived at openarch and they said they are here by invite of the blades

but they where blind.. anyway they guard a document that our libary haved it was called

i think.. ElderScroll yes it was light that.. blades told me the monks are former blades.

then i asked them why every single one of them is blind he told me: "Well u see

elder scroll have curse.. when u read it u will see ur future and everything that awaits u... but

there is cost of that.. u become blind.", "Ah i see thank u solider."

Well anyway i wanted to build a little chappel in city/village here, for other ten monks

so i build it after a while.. still i don't know why so many blind monks keep this document

safe(*thinking*) well...


*Part 8: Visit of High Chancellor Ocato*


After few monts, a some person a high elf came and told me..

"Hello there i am High Chancellor Ocato from Imperial City i am ruler of empire and elder council of course if

there is no emperor.. but thank talos that wont happan.. well by nine divines i am sorry about ur brother i heard

all about this place, ur brother.. and urself well i came here with business my lord.. i came here to take a.. document

that u have in ur possesion.", "Well my lord i have a lot of documents in ur libary of knowledge, anyway don't tell me u are

here for document called El(*Interupted*).", "Hello there i am Emperor Uriel Septim.. oh i see u are here ocato.. u came for elder scroll?

well thats not need-ed i told u i will come here now return to imperial city.", "But my emperor u are unsafe here i..(*interupted*)."

"No.. its my order, return to city at once and return to ur position and ur place.. i am sorry for ur brother i am sure he is very proud at this all

ah where are my mannors i am Emperor Uriel Septim by the grace of the nine i am emperor and i serve the empire.. i am here for document,

called Elder Scroll and i need some more documents from ur, libary of knowledge.", i told him "Of course my lord take anything u need and pleasem,

its my honor to have ur visit here i will remember this untill my death.. please stay at night at my place and take a rest my lord"

"Thank u very much but i need to go now, just to take some documents, hope u will be good i will send some imperial guards, and more supplies for u,

and please take care."(*Walking Away*)


*Part 9: New Heir to OpenArch


After a ten years i got a wife, and two sons first son was heir to the open arch

after so many years even i got older and i knew that my time is comming...

anway i wanted to make somethings before i pass away as my brother did

at least i did my brother dream, we start all this in 2E, and we finished it, and this village/city is still full of life, and light,

third era has come and the village/city is still on its feet.. more people has come, and a lot of new things

i have build my own dream just as my brother did..now only thing that is left is that my son light the fires at tower of city

and that city, have his own light even in dark times.

(*Two week's later*)

After some time my son was crowned as OpenArch owner, he light the fires of our city/village

and now its his job to keep this city in life, however my time has finaly come to end...

i did my job.. just as my brother did before me.. now i will have peace... i will join now my brother.


Final Notes: Well this is history of open arch..

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