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No I followed the old part.

So you've went to raminus and will go to the High chancellor

Ocato needs to crown the emperor, like he did before....

Raminus takes care of the mixing :P


31pages lol

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31 PAGES??!!! And we haven't even finished the ideas!


Dialogue for finding Dragons cave/ruin

*Quest journal update-I have heard of people saying that huge roars have been heard from [name] cave/ruin, i should ask the people closest to the cave/ruin)

*Speak to someone in nearest city about [name] cave*

Citizen "Greetings"

Player "Hi there,I was wondering if you could tell me anything about [name] cave/ruin"

Citizen "Why of course, anything for the champion of cyrodil! The ruin must have some magical powers or something, many say that once you reach the door that you feel heat,even in the coldest of winters"

Player "Oh?Please continue"

Citizen "Well,the mages guild wanted to investigate(this could be where the bodies and skeletons on the inside come in) None returned. So the fighters guild were sent in to investigate, they sent seven good men into that place, Only one got to see the world outside the ruin again,when he came back the whole town was cheering,thought he'd killed whatever blasted thing was in there,but we soon saw somethin' was wrong, he was shaking uncontrollably, and he was burnt all over, we stopped cheering and backed away, it was as if he was possesed or somethin' he went straight to the fighters guild to tender his resignation, for three nights there was screaming from his house, On the fourth day he was gone, so the guard searched his house for his will, but they found his journal, it said a great deal that was unreadable, probably to shaken up to write, one thing they were able to decipher was "I am going to make one final journey, I am going to dive rock and will never return" And tha' was tha', no one ever went near the damn ruin again and everybody got on with their lives"

Player "Thanks you, You've been most helpful, could you perhaps mark the ruins location on my map?"

Citizen "Ok sir i cant see no harm in doing so, going to pay your respects to the brave people who went in? Guildmates perhaps?"


Will add this to compiled dialogue link to page in my sig

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31 PAGES??!!! And we haven't even finished the ideas!


Dialogue for finding Dragons cave/ruin

*Quest journal update-I have heard of people saying that huge roars have been heard from [name] cave/ruin, i should ask the people closest to the cave/ruin)

*Speak to someone in nearest city about [name] cave*

Citizen "Greetings"

Player "Hi there,I was wondering if you could tell me anything about [name] cave/ruin"

Citizen "Why of course, anything for the champion of cyrodil! The ruin must have some magical powers or something, many say that once you reach the door that you feel heat,even in the coldest of winters"

Player "Oh?Please continue"

Citizen "Well,the mages guild wanted to investigate(this could be where the bodies and skeletons on the inside come in) None returned. So the fighters guild were sent in to investigate, they sent seven good men into that place, Only one got to see the world outside the ruin again,when he came back the whole town was cheering,thought he'd killed whatever blasted thing was in there,but we soon saw somethin' was wrong, he was shaking uncontrollably, and he was burnt all over, we stopped cheering and backed away, it was as if he was possesed or somethin' he went straight to the fighters guild to tender his resignation, for three nights there was screaming from his house, On the fourth day he was gone, so the guard searched his house for his will, but they found his journal, it said a great deal that was unreadable, probably to shaken up to write, one thing they were able to decipher was "I am going to make one final journey, I am going to dive rock and will never return" And tha' was tha', no one ever went near the damn ruin again and everybody got on with their lives"

Player "Thanks you, You've been most helpful, could you perhaps mark the ruins location on my map?"

Citizen "Ok sir i cant see no harm in doing so, going to pay your respects to the brave people who went in? Guildmates perhaps?"


Will add this to compiled dialogue link to page in my sig

why do i don't get one of those banners i am helping to

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You can, right click on the pic in my signature, in the properties window theres a url,then go to your profile settings edit signature put it in image tags and youve got a banner


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(This link from ImageShack is better)


The only thing we need is the dialogue is ocato speaking to you.

Then the dialogue of becoming emperor, or martin is back he and you have a talk.

Then the coronation takes place...

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No I got that. The last parts is what I'm pointing at.

Just after that dialogue is done the coronation takes place...

after the that's done, the attack will take place etcetc

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Ocato "Ah Champion,Raminus has informed me that he has discovered a way of merging your blood with the dragons, this is excellent news, he has however also informed me of the decision you must make, I standby what Raminus said, you have earned the rhight to decide"

Player " Thank you, I choose....

*note ive remembered i put the options in Raminus's explanation of how martin could return, i shall edit this so that you are given the option to decide when talking to ocato not raminus*

Option 1-" To bring back Martin Septim!True Friend and ruler!"

Option 2 "To bear the title of emperor myself,no man should be disturbed from eternal slumber"

Option 3 "To bear the title of emperor myself,The position belongs to me, i am the only one worthy"

Ocato "Very well... *Ocato will take you to palace gates where attack will begin half way through Ocato making you emperor or you doing what raminus told you"

If you chose Martin-"Peform the ritual told to by Raminus, and bring back the greatest emperor to ever grace tamriel,But let the whole of Tamriel see, come to the palace gates!"

If you chose yourself-"To the palace gates then, let all of Tamriel smile upon their new emperor"

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